Leila Tober
QT- Practictioner
Miracle Healing Vibrations
United States
Contact Information
Phone: |
2102786819 |
Email: |
Web: |
Www.mhvibrations.org |
I have been working with energy my whole life. I didn't realize what gifts I had truly been blessed with until I was around 12 years old and had the opportunity to help ease the suffering of my house-ridden and almost bedridden older sister. She had gone to multiple doctors none that could agree on what was wrong with her. All I knew was that my sister was always in so much pain, that she couldn't sleep at night. For 1 year daily, I would be by her bedside praying that I could help ease her suffering and eventually the suffering of others through God's love. A couple of years later she was well enough to head off to college a thousand miles away. Through God's mercy and grace, I was taught how to "see" others' vibrations and learn what their unique vibrations were saying about their ailments. I am blessed to be a conduit to help others feel the love and peace God has for each of us, and give the body a "breath" of peace to allow it to heal itself.
I am available for distance sessions. I currently live out of the U.S., so please text if you would like to schedule a session.