Zakiya Sapphire Phoenix

Certified Quantum-Touch Practitioner & Instructor

[email protected]


Transform Your Life

Tap into your Inner Healer to dramatically
improve your health and well-being.

(With Quantum-Touch, it’s easier than
you might think!)

Get started today with your free consultation.

Let's Begin

Let's Begin

Hi, I'm Zakiya Sapphire Phoenix

"Matter is Energy...Energy is Light...We are all Light Beings. "
"Concerning matter, we have all been wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter." 
Albert Einstein
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." 
Nikola Tesla

We arise from universal consciousness as does every aspect of creation. There is divine, infinite intelligence within this omnipresent force which guides and informs all life.  We have the opportunity now to learn about ourselves as energetic beings and to positively affect our health and well being. Love is the vibration that is the essence of life and consciousness. Love is light. Light is vital life force energy.   Working with light/ life force energy can help us heal, awaken and remember our divinity and expand into our full potential. We can use the power of focused intention, breath, visualizations and the life giving force of love to create and shape our reality according to our highest visions and greatest dreams. 

We are constantly receiving and transmitting all kinds of energies. Most of us have been impacted by distorted and negative energies through   ideologies, thoughtforms, words, actions, emotions, toxic and unhealthy relationships, habits, foods, drinks and chemical products.  It all gets stored in our bodies and we experience pain, dis-ease and a lack of vitality and health.  We can choose to release these distortions and toxins from our physical vessels. We can allow ourselves to feel the free flow of life force energy that is our divine birthright and essence.

During my energy healing work sessions, I receive messages and see interesting visions at times. The visions and messages can be from ancestors, angels, your higher self and Divine Source. It is always a magical experience filled with many beautful colour, light, love energies, frequencies, vibrations, images, visions and sensations. I love working with colour light energies and I truly enjoy seeing them in phenomenal displays of living light art flowing in everything and everyone. 

I also love to work with animals and children. They are very open and receptive to energy work. Their natural connection to the subtle realms, divine source, divine intelligence and their own divine innocence and essene as beings of lovelight. Children and animals know more than adults in many ways. For me, it is a wonderful honour, joy and gift to assist animals and children on their journeys towards greater holistic health and wellbeing.

I have been interested in health from an early age and my intention has been to help myself heal and to help others on their healing journey. For many years, I have been exploring spiritual teachings, healing foods, plant based nutrition, essential oils, chemical free skincare and home care products, alternative healing modalities including Quantum Touch, Reiki, Pranic Healing, Crystal Healing, Thai Yoga massage, Raindrop Therapy, Zenith Omega and EFT. These days I practice QT, Yin Yoga, Qi Gong, HIIT, forest walks, meditation and deep fascia work. I create natural skincare products and spiritual,  healing art work. I am passionate about holistic health, nature, life long learning, living in ever greater expressions of  divine colourlovelight, and adding to the beauty of life in my own ways. 

I am grateful to be of service to others in sharing this amazing form of energetic healing work! It is so simple, easy to learn and immensely powerful. We are learning about the nature of reality and ourselves as beings of energy. This is essential learning ...to know ourselves. To know how to maintain our health and welbeing, to know how to exist in an expanded state of awareness and being as conscious creators of our reality. 

I am open to and excited to teach Quantum Touch Level 1. Everybody can learn this simple, profound healing modality and the techniques that are taught. Learning about ourselves as energetic beings and how to work with our own energetic body should be common knowledge and I look forward to the day that it becomes so! I am offering workshops in and around the Toronto area currently and I am also open  to travel to new places and meet beautiful souls! 

Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in receiving a session or participating in a workshop. I look forward to hearing from you. 

Love, light and joyfilled blessings! 


" Everything is energy. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics." Albert Einstein


"Everything we observe is simple different densities of vibrational resonant frequencies." Michael Tellinger

Love and light,

Why We Love Quantum-Touch...

Schedule a Quantum-Touch Session with Zakiya

If you've struggled to find relief from physical or emotional issues and nothing has helped, energy healing may be the solution you've been searching for.

Let's Begin

Take a Workshop with Zakiya


Sep 28Quantum-Touch Level 1

Sep 28, 29 2024, 09:30 AM (EDT)
Toronto ,Ontario ,CAEnglish

The Quantum-Touch Level 1 Workshop offers you an important building block to learning the entire Quantum-Touch system. Whether you simply want...


Nov 16Quantum-Touch Level 1

Nov 16, 17 2024, 09:30 AM (MST)
Edmonton ,Alberta ,CAEnglish

The Quantum-Touch Level 1 Workshop offers you an important building block to learning the entire Quantum-Touch system. Whether you simply want...


Nov 23Quantum-Touch Level 1

Nov 23, 24 2024, 09:30 AM (MDT)
Calgary ,Alberta ,CAEnglish

The Quantum-Touch Level 1 Workshop offers you an important building block to learning the entire Quantum-Touch system. Whether you simply want...

What is Quantum-Touch?

What is Quantum-Touch?

Quantum-Touch is a powerful quantum healing technique that works with the Life Force Energy of the body to reduce pain and promote optimal wellness. Life Force Energy, also known as ‘Qi’ in Chinese and ‘prana’ in Sanskrit, is the flow of energy that sustains all living beings. Quantum-Touch teaches us how to focus, amplify, and direct this energy, for a wide range of benefits with surprising.

Quantum-Touch is an effective method for reducing back pain, realigning structure, balancing organs, glands and systems, reducing muscle aches, healing injuries, healing burns, and so much more. Quantum-Touch is easy enough to be learned by children, yet powerful enough to astound physicians, chiropractors, physical therapists, and a host of health professionals.

One of the real joys of this work is that we truly don't know the limits of what is possible. Your love has tremendous impact to benefit those around you.

Inspiring Stories

How Did Quantum-Touch Get Started?

Our roots began in the early 1970’s when Richard Gordon, founder of Quantum-Touch ®, attended the Christos School of Natural Healing in Taos, New Mexico, where he studied therapeutic massage, spiritual healing, and herbal medicine. While attending school, Richard was amazed when he felt energy (universal life force energy) around his hands. A few weeks later he was introduced to Polarity Therapy, which led to a wide range of further discoveries about energy, and he eventually wrote a book, Your Healing Hands: The Polarity Experience.


How Did Quantum-Touch Get Started?

Our roots began in the early 1970’s when Richard Gordon, founder of Quantum-Touch ®, attended the Christos School of Natural Healing in Taos, New Mexico, where he studied therapeutic massage, spiritual healing, and herbal medicine. While attending school, Richard was amazed when he felt energy (universal life force energy) around his hands. A few weeks later he was introduced to Polarity Therapy, which led to a wide range of further discoveries about energy, and he eventually wrote a book, Your Healing Hands: The Polarity Experience.

In 1978, right around the time Your Healing Hands was going into print, Richard met Robert Rasmussen, who appeared to have an extraordinary ability to do energy healing. While observing Robert work, Richard initially concluded that Robert had some supernatural ability and no one else in the world would ever be able to do it. However, after apprenticing with Robert, Richard realized that he could also work with the life force energy. Eventually Richard was asked to take over upon Robert’s retirement and that's how Quantum-Touch was born.

Jennifer Taylor, CEO of Quantum-Touch, shares a similar tale. In 2002, she attended the Maui Academy of Healing Arts.  Like Richard, she discovered that she could feel the universal life force energy emanating from people while practicing massage. She became fascinated by energy healing and soon thereafter she met Richard Gordon at a Quantum-Touch lecture on Maui. Through a series of amazing synchronicities, and a leap of faith, she moved to Santa Cruz, CA and began her journey as the “Chief Magical Officer” of Quantum-Touch.

Today, over 150 Quantum-Touch instructors teach Quantum-Touch around the world, both in-person and virtually. Our instructors hold workshops in many languages, including Chinese, French, and even Arabic. Our purpose is to teach and promote the Quantum-Touch techniques as a way to inspire people to discover the life-changing power of energy healing.

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Our Quantum-Touch Values

  • Quantum-Touch empowers us to take responsibility for our health. All healing is self-healing and we have the power within to create optimal wellness.
  • Quantum-Touch works with Life Force Energy – a universal vibration of love and well-being. We believe Life Force Energy is at the heart of self-healing and Quantum-Touch teaches us how to focus this energy to improve our health and well-being.


Our Quantum-Touch Values

  • Quantum-Touch empowers us to take responsibility for our health. All healing is self-healing and we have the power within to create optimal wellness.
  • Quantum-Touch works with Life Force Energy – a universal vibration of love and well-being. We believe Life Force Energy is at the heart of self-healing and Quantum-Touch teaches us how to focus this energy to improve our health and well-being.
  • Quantum-Touch techniques are simple to use, easy to learn, yet powerful and effective, and can be done anytime, anywhere.
  • Using Quantum-Touch, the energy of health and well-being becomes part of our daily life and supports our ability to thrive at all levels.
  • Quantum-Touch helps us experience more deeply the power of love, giving us a happier, more fulfilling life experience.
  • As more people use Quantum-Touch to fill their lives with universal love, Quantum-Touch becomes a way to bring positive change into the world.
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Zakiya Sapphire Phoenix

Certified Quantum-Touch Practitioner & Instructor

[email protected]