Rose Muller
QT Practitioner
2940 Cheyne Road
Washington, 98953
United States
Contact Information
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510 417 9457 |
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My journey toward Quantum Touch began 40 or more years ago. Beginning as a teen with hatha yoga, moving through Swedish Massage, Ortho Bionomy, Polarity Therapy, teaching positive thinking and sprouting at Hippocrates Health Institute in my early 20s and moving on to Siddha Yoga in my late 20s and early 30s. The joys of motherhood began in my mid 30s and I continued to practice yoga and meditation.
Essential oils and aromatherapy have played a large role in my recent development and I studied Raindrop, Emotional Release, Chemistry of Essential Oils and Oils of the Bible all taught by Gail Hunter through C.A.R.E. (Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education). The work of David Hawkins has influenced my world since reading "Power Versus Force". I feel strong attractor patterns led me at last to QT!
I feel great Joy and Love as I practice and share Quantum Touch. "Your love has impact." says Richard Gordon and I wholeheartedly agree!!