Can You Really Learn Energy Healing Online?

by Renée Morris
January 17, 2025
I was recently asked how it was to learn Quantum-Touch energy healing virtually. Can you really learn energy healing effectively online? How does that work? I would love to share my experience with you…
If you are considering taking the workshops and aren’t sure if it’s possible to learn energy healing through online classes only, then this article will be very helpful for you.
If you only have access to the online workshops because there are no in-person workshops available where you live, then this article will surely put your mind at ease.
If you like the freedom of virtual learning but aren’t sure about putting your skills into practice in real life, then read on.
If you know already that you are going to become a certified Quantum-Touch professional and are questioning if you should take all the workshops online or not, then sit back and let me share my story with you. I think it will help!
The short answer to the question is that YES, it is not only possible to learn Quantum-Touch online, but it is a very effective way to learn both for people looking to practice on themselves and loved ones, and also for those looking to become certified practitioners.
Continue reading for the full story…
How It Started
In 2021 I went through some major life changes, one of which included retiring a business I had been running for almost 15 years. It was time for something new. I was holding the vision for a new living, one with greater freedom of location, and where I could set myself up for the business with relative ease. I already knew about Quantum-Touch and it was on my list of things I knew I desired to learn and practice. As a side note, many people say they just ‘know’ they want to learn Quantum-Touch when they first come across it - and this was me!
At that time, I visited the Quantum-Touch website and discovered that the workshops I wanted to take were being offered online and that it was also possible to take ALL the required workshops virtually to become a certified practitioner. I was in! I knew that at any time I could decide to take in-person workshops instead of virtual, but the online option really suited my life plans back then. I even moved countries during the process of taking the workshops to become certified. Learning through the virtual workshops really gave me the freedom to move forward with my life while also preparing for my next step professionally.
After registering for the Level 1 workshop and before it began, I questioned how it would be possible to learn energy healing through a virtual platform like Zoom. I mean, don’t you have to put your hands on the recipient for it to work? Don’t you at least have to be in the same room to benefit from the energy? How can the instructor know that I am doing it correctly? Will we have practice time during the classes? Is the online experience as good as the in-person workshops?
Many questions came up for me but my excitement trumped my wondering and I forged ahead…
My First Online Energy Healing Workshop
Finally the day came for my first Quantum-Touch Level 1 workshop. For those who don’t know, the Level 1 workshop generally takes place over 2 full days or 4 half days. The workshop format includes one certified instructor on Zoom who does the teaching live in real time and then the students who are there to learn, ask questions, receive live feedback, and practice their new skills in real time. The course is well-structured and there is a manual that you can follow along with. All Quantum-Touch classes are taught by certified instructors. As a side note, there is a directory of instructors on the Quantum-Touch website and a calendar of upcoming workshops, so it’s easy to find either an online or in-person class when you’re ready to register.
On day 1 of the Level 1 workshop after just a few hours I was already doing the Quantum-Touch technique called ‘running energy’. I was surprised how quickly we went from theory right into practice. The instructor was very thorough and took the time to answer all questions as we went along. I found this to be particularly helpful in the online learning experience to ensure I was doing it right from the start. We had supervised practice sessions on each other - both giving and receiving energy at a distance. We would be paired up and instructed to offer energy for the other person’s concern or ailment, or to receive energy for our own.
The practice sessions really blew me away and almost immediately resolved all my questions and doubts related to the online workshop format and also to doing energy healing at a distance. In our very first practice session when I was sending energy to the other participants during the class (who were hundreds if not thousands of miles away!) their feedback was astonishing. They reported feeling relief from pain and discomfort, feeling calmer, increased mobility, an overall sense of well-being, emotional relief, and more - all in response to the energy I was offering. And I had barely just learned! Some of them reported feeling tingling, heat, or other sensations in the areas of focus for the energy. It was amazing.
When it was my turn to receive, although I didn’t have any pain or significant physical ailment to be worked on, I surprisingly experienced physical sensations as well (tingling, throbbing, heat, and other feelings). I also felt an increased sense of well-being and emotional balance. It was remarkable. I was witnessing in real time the power and speed of Life Force Energy and how we all have this power within us. Wow! I later found out that not all people will necessarily feel any sensations while receiving but for me it was an extraordinary experience.
I realized afterwards that I would have been much more skeptical about distant healing if I hadn’t taken the online workshop first and gained that first-hand experience both sending and receiving energy across large distances. I can say with certainty that this also set me up to offer almost exclusively distance healing sessions with my clients in my business. I love working distantly and often feel like I can go deeper when working remotely rather than in-person. Everyone’s experience is not necessarily the same, but this has been mine.
Professionally speaking, the freedom of location that comes with being able to work remotely is also invaluable to me. Not everyone desires that or is in a position to take advantage of it, but it is something that I value and that I had envisioned for the next step of my professional life. Being able to study as well as become certified through the virtual workshops was a huge benefit for me.
Becoming a Certified Practitioner
After that first Level 1 experience, I felt very confident in pursuing the rest of the required workshops for certification online. Within a few months I had completed the mandatory courses - even while traveling. As I mentioned before, learning online allowed me to move forward with other things in my life while still preparing for my next professional step. Each workshop offered a dynamic and intimate online environment for the students. The instructors were attentive and thorough. I certainly did not feel like anything was missing by learning energy healing through online courses.
Because the experience was so positive for me, I already knew that I wanted to have a mostly if not completely, remote practice. That being said, I can see how someone who is planning to practice professionally in-person might want to take an in-person workshop as well. I don’t think it is absolutely necessary but it might be an enriching experience to help lay the foundation of their business. For someone who is only going to practice their energy healing techniques on themselves and their loved ones, I don’t think there is any compelling reason to have to take the course in-person. In my experience, the online format is both thorough and effective.
Once I completed the rest of the mandatory courses, I then had to complete the practice hours. Quantum-Touch requires that you complete a minimum of 90 documented practice hours. Maximum 30 of those hours can be on yourself, plants, and animals. I was eager to get these practice hours under my belt and realized that, regardless of taking online or in-person workshops, the key to integrating the material really is in the practice hours. The more you practice, the better you will become. These are skills that have to be practiced.
I did a large number of my practice hours through remote sessions with people all over the world. Since I already knew I would be starting a business, it was important to me to practice virtually with people I didn’t know. That way, I could get the hang not only of the techniques themselves, but I could also practice leading a session and receiving feedback from strangers who would be more likely to be very straightforward with me about their experience in the sessions. This was probably one of the best decisions I could make. I offered people sessions in exchange for their honest feedback. I received messages from dozens of interested people and started scheduling them in. It was a remarkable experience that set me up to move forward with confidence. Here is what one practice session client reported back to me after a distance session we did for her neck pain and headaches:
‘I was suffering neck pain and headaches for a long time. Due to that I barely slept and my energy and happiness in life were pretty much gone. Renée gave me a session of Quantum-Touch from distance and that was such an amazing experience! At the beginning there was nothing, but then suddenly my whole head became fuzzy and weird for a while. Then after a few moments I literally got hit by an explosion of energy in my head and neck that went down. It felt like a tornado going through my body. Renée told me there was something in my neck, clothing the energy. That night I slept like never before and the neck pain and headaches were totally gone, almost if they never existed’.
I was so thrilled to receive this feedback early on because although I trusted the process, it was important for me to know that my work was helping people. Having the experience of practicing and honing my skills via distance allowed me to really see first-hand the power of Life Force Energy and the Quantum-Touch techniques. That I could be in one country offering energy to someone across the globe and that person could have such a profoundly beneficial experience with actual changes in their physical body was life-changing for me. I cannot overstate how profound it was.
From Then Until Now
I eventually completed my practice hours as well as the rest of the requirements for certification and finally became a certified Quantum-Touch practitioner. All of the workshops I completed were through the live online courses. Since then I have taken more Quantum-Touch workshops online and have always felt like the virtual format is a complete learning experience. I have never felt anything missing. In my professional practice I do offer in-person sessions occasionally, so in anticipation of that I did some in-person practice as well in order to get used to doing Quantum-Touch in-person. It was an easy adjustment. Overall, I would encourage anyone who isn’t sure about learning energy healing online to give it a try. You will certainly witness the extraordinary power of Life Force Energy over distance - which is life-changing - and you can discover your natural healing abilities from the comfort of your own home from anywhere around the world with the Quantum-Touch techniques.

Renée Morris
Quantum-Touch Practitioner and Ambassador
Click Here to View Her Profile

Learn Online with the Original Workshop Online Video Library!
The fastest and most economical way to get started with Quantum-Touch is to learn at home with The Original Workshop Online Video Library. The Original Workshop Online is a complete, low cost Quantum-Touch workshop with interactive quizzes and practice sessions.
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