Using Quantum-Touch with Reiki, Chakra-Balancing, and the Emotion Code

Every client is different, with understandably different complaints and needs. Other than consciously using the power of love in EVERY instance, helping clients to heal themselves rarely follows a one size fits all approach. Consequently, many alternative healers employ several forms of energy work to assist their clients.
Quantum-Touch and Reiki are my two main alternative healing modalities and I use them both with almost every client. Since I am often asked to address pain in clients necks and backs, I use Reiki as a soothing and relaxing technique to release tense shoulder muscles as well as the muscles all along the spine. Once the muscles protective energy has been released, I am able to find out where energy blockages might be occurring and thus causing pain. Quantum-Touch is ideal for breaking up these blockages and allowing the energy to flow as it should.
Another alternative healing modality I use is chakra-balancing. At the beginning of a session, I ask that all seven chakras associated with the physical body be balanced and cleansed of negative energy beginning with the root chakra at the base of the spine. Using this gentle method to raise (or entrain) my clients energy at the beginning of a session, I have found that they are much more receptive to receiving and processing the energy I offer them to allow them to heal themselves.
To address emotional issues that might be causing physical distress, I have begun using a technique taught by Dr. Bradley Nelson in his book, The Emotion Code. This simple technique calls for using kin-esthetic muscle testing to locate where the energies of strong emotions have been trapped in the body and then releasing them using a magnet. As with Quantum-Touch, this can be done both in person and remotely.
I feel that using multiple alternative healing modalities allows me to work on a number of different levels to help my clients achieve the wellness they seek. Since Quantum-Touch, Reiki, chakra-balancing and The Emotion Code are all energy-based, they reinforce each other and enhance the positive outcome I strive to provide my clients.

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The fastest and most economical way to get started with Quantum-Touch is to learn at home with The Original Workshop Online Video Library. The Original Workshop Online is a complete, low cost Quantum-Touch workshop with interactive quizzes and practice sessions.
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