Combining Quantum-Touch and the Law of Attraction

by Robert Marty
When I focus on, for example, implementing a way to become financially rich, to have lots of money, I do what I have learned to attract what I want. Sometimes it works a little bit and sometimes it doesn't seem to work at all. Many techniques including Quantum-Touch Level 2, Manifesting Miracles and others exist for this purpose. Various blockages can prevent the realization of our desires.
While practicing one of the techniques I have learned, I focus on my feelings, especially my body. Is my body perfectly relaxed and happy? Does everything feel smooth and pleasant? Or do I detect tension, or is the tension I usually experience still there? Do I feel a bit of unease in any part of my body? All the signs that I experience as uncomfortable let me know that I am not aligned with my desire.
Harmony is necessary for the realization of my dreams; when my body gives me signs of discomfort, I interpret this as a lack of harmony.
My body shows me by various signs what makes me feel good or what harms me, or causes me problems, or blocks me... without trying to understand them, I connect to the sensations, I welcome them and I amplify my energy on them. I send them energy from the heart, otherwise known as love. In fact, I use Quantum-Touch Level 2 techniques for this.
I use my mind to concentrate on the signs of my body and not to try to analyze them, to understand them... which amplifies them without regulating them or represses them by unconsciously avoiding to use them.
At that moment, my body, which I feel and with which I create a partial or total harmony, calms down and the source of the problem is treated. This work can take a little long if each time I treat a part of the cause and not the whole... however, the effect is deep and each time I gain in appeasement and well-being.
Law of attraction? Attracting well-being and feeling at peace with who you are feels like happiness. What is my greatest desire in life? To have lots of money? To be powerful and famous? To be happy?
I leave it to you to underline what you think is most important or add more desires to the list. As for me, I still wish for "nice things" and pursue dreams and until I achieve them, I connect with myself in the way described above to free myself a little more each time from the obstacles in my way. So, have a great trip and be happy! Breathe life!

Robert Marty
Quantum-Touch Practitioner
Level 1 and Level 2 Instructor
Level 1 Instructor Trainer
French Liaison

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