Energy Healing Training

Become a Level 2 Instructor Trainer

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  • Must be a current Level 1 Instructor Trainer in good standing with Quantum-Touch Headquarters (QTHQ).

  • Must have trained a minimum of 3 Level 1 instructors

  • Must have taught a minimum of 10 Level 2 classes

  • Must have taught a minimum of 40 Level 2 students

  • Must have successfully completed Supercharging and Self Created Health workshops. Optional: We recommend that the candidate attend a Manifesting Miracles Workshop

  • Complete and file rosters, forms & payments for all Quantum-Touch classes they teach within the timeframe required by QTHQ (within 30 days after the last day of the workshop).

  • Pay QTHQ fees promptly

  • Answer requests from QTHQ promptly

  • Maintain an up-to-date profile for NCBTMB (for US instructors only)

  • Should be able to speak, read, and write English (to be able to communicate well with QTHQ and complete curriculum paperwork).

  • Follow the policies and practices stated in the Quantum-Touch Code of Ethics, the Quantum-Touch Conduct pages, and the Quantum-Touch Terms of Use listed on

Application and Training Process

  1. Once all the above criteria have been met, the L2 instructor who is interested in becoming a L2 Instructor Trainer sends in a QTL2 Instructor Trainer Application Form along with a non-refundable $200 USD application fee to QTHQ

  2. Download Your Level 2 Trainer Application Here

    Download PDF
  3. Headquarters will review the application and either accept or reject the application. If approved, the Trainer Candidate will move to the training phase of the process.

    Trainer Candidate will pay QTHQ > a non-refundable $750 USD training fee. Then Quantum-Touch Headquarters will provide a list of approved trainers with whom the Candidate can train.

  4. Trainer Candidate will select and contact his or her preferred trainer. If the trainer is available to work with the candidate, together they will schedule the training session. It can be held either in person or in energy healing courses online. This session is expected to last approximately three hours. (Please note: if an online meeting is scheduled, both trainer and Trainer Candidate must have audio and video equipment in good working order, high speed internet, etc.)

  5. Once the training session has been successfully completed, Trainer notifies Quantum-Touch Headquarters that the Trainer Candidate has completed the training.

  6. Headquarters will send the Trainer Candidate a Level 2 Certified Instructor Trainer Agreement which he or she must sign and return. For certification to be complete, the Trainer Candidate must also pay a one-time Certification fee of $300 USD to Quantum-Touch Headquarters.

To Maintain Instructor Trainer Status

  1. All Certified Level 2 Instructor Trainers need to be actively engaged in teaching Level 1 and Level 2 in order to maintain Instructor Trainer status. This keeps our trainers current and in contact with others in their community.

  2. A Certified Level 2 Instructor Trainer must teach in each calendar year:

    • a minimum of three (3) Level 2 Quantum-Touch workshops AND

    • a minimum of eight (8) Level 2 students (cumulatively)

  3. These are actual workshops held and taught. Workshops posted on the Quantum-Touch website but not taught do not count.

  4. Should a Certified Instructor Trainer not meet these minimum requirements, QTHQ has the right, at its discretion, to remove TRAINER status from the Certified Level 2 Instructor

  5. Either Quantum-Touch Headquarters or the Certified Instructor Trainer may end the Level 2 Certified Instructor Trainer Agreement at any time by written notice.

Energy Healing Practitioner Training

Become a Level 1 Instructor Trainer

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All Level 1 Instructor Trainers must be a Certified Level 1 Instructor in good standing with Quantum-Touch Headquarters (QTHQ).


  • L1 Instructor Trainer Candidate has taught a minimum of 10 Level 1 classes.

  • L1 Instructor Trainer Candidate has taught a minimum of 100 Level 1 students.

  • L1 Instructor Trainer Candidate teaches a minimum of 4 Quantum-Touch L1 classes per year.

  • L1 Instructor Trainer Candidate must have completed Quantum-Touch Level 2, Supercharging, and Self Created Health workshops. Optional: We recommend that the Candidate attend a Manifesting Miracles Workshop

  • L1 Instructor Trainer Candidate completes and files rosters, forms & payments for Quantum-Touch L1 classes as required by QTHQ.

  • L1 Instructor Trainer Candidate pays QTHQ fees promptly.

  • L1 Instructor Trainer Candidate answers requests from QTHQ promptly.

  • L1 Instructor Trainer Candidate maintains an up-to-date profile for NCBTMB (for US instructors only).

  • L1 Instructor Trainer Candidate follows Quantum-Touch Code of Ethics and Quantum-Touch Conduct.

  • L1 Instructor Trainer Candidate must be able to mentor in a geographic area or language where QTHQ deems instructor training is needed.

  • L1 Instructor Trainer Candidate should be able to speak, read, and write English (to be able to communicate well with QTHQ and complete curriculum paperwork).

  • L1 Instructor Trainer Candidate needs to be familiar with current policies implemented by QTHQ (as stated in the L1 Instructor Agreement).

Application and Training Process

  1. Once all the above criteria have been met, the instructor who is interested in becoming a Level 1 Instructor Trainer sends in a QTL1 Instructor Trainer Application Form along with a non-refundable $200 US$ application fee to Quantum-Touch Headquarters (QTHQ).

  2. Download Your Level 1 Trainer Application Here

    Download PDF
    Download Word
  3. Headquarters will review the application and reserves the right to either accept or reject the application, even if all requirements have been met. If approved, the Trainer Candidate will move to the training phase of the process. Trainer Candidate will pay QTHQ a non-refundable $750 US$ training fee. Then Quantum-Touch Headquarters will provide a list of approved Trainters with whom the Candidate can train.

  4. Trainer Candidate will select and contact his or her preferred Trainer. If the Trainer is available to work with the candidate, together they will schedule the training session. It can be held either in person or online. This session is expected to last approximately three hours. (Please note: if an online meeting is scheduled, both Traininer and Trainer Candidate must have audio and video equipment in good working order, high speed internet, etc.)

  5. Once the training session has been successfully completed, Trainer notifies Quantum-Touch Headquarters that the Trainer Candidate has completed the training.

  6. Headquarters will send the Trainer Candidate a Level 1 Certified Instructor Trainer Agreement which he or she must sign and return. For certification to be complete, the Trainer Candidate must also pay a one-time Certification fee of $300 US$ to Quantum-Touch Headquarters.

To Maintain Instructor Trainer Status

  1. All Certified Level 1 Instructor Trainers need to be actively engaged in teaching Level 1 in order to maintain Instructor Trainer status. This keeps our trainers current and in contact with others in their community.

  2. A Certified Level 1 Instructor Trainer must teach:

    • a minimum of 4 Level 1 Quantum healing touch techniques and workshops AND

    • a total minimum of 15 students in each calendar year

    These are actual workshops held and taught. Workshops posted on the Quantum-Touch website but not taught do not count.


  3. If Quantum-Touch launches a new certification workshop for course credit, all trainers must atted that workshop within 1 year of launch.

  4. Should a Certified Level 1 Instructor Trainer not meet these minimum requirements, QTHQ has the right, at its discretion, to remove TRAINER status from the Certified Instructor.

  5. Either Quantum-Touch Headquarters or the Certified Level 1 Instructor Trainer may end the Level 1 Certified Instructor Trainer Agreement at any time by written notice.

Self Energy Healing

Become a Self Created Health Instructor and inspire others with your love, knowledge, technique and passion.

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Using Self Created Health Informally

  • Working on Yourself.  When you are working on healing your emotional self, it is important to be honest with yourself. You can use your own body as a barometer for how well you are processing your emotions. If you notice symptoms coming back, take a moment and reflect. Is there an aspect of the situation you previously processed that hasn’t been dealt with?

  • The choice to open these doors (to emotional causation) is an individual one. People have to make that choice for themselves. It is about self responsibility.

  • Informally Helping Others. If you have family or friends who are open to discovering their emotional causations, you can help them INFORMALLY. How? By sitting down with them and asking them the discovery questions. Use the guidelines for being an effective helper. Once emotional causation has been reached, you can offer verbal guidelines for releasing the emotions involved, so that they can complete Step 2 in the SC technique. After that, you can talk briefly about Steps 3 through 7. These are informal conversations with family or friends but NOT paid clients or formal sessions.

Using Self Created Health Professionally

  • Self Created Health (Sc) and Virtual Self Created Health (VS) are Quantum-Touch Workshops, and all rights to the use of its name are strictly limited. Self Created Health Instructors are the only individuals who can advertise, promote, or otherwise reference Self Created Health services. This includes but is not limited to referencing Sc on websites, brochures, business cards, biographical entries, videos, social media, advertisements, etc.

  • Only Self Created Health Instructors can practice Self Created Health professionally, i.e., facilitate the Sc process with clients. In order to use Sc professionally, you must successfully complete the Sc Instructor Certification process. This means that even if you are certified to practice or teach QTL1, QTL2 or Supercharging, you cannot teach Self Created Health or conduct Sc private sessions unless you are also certified by Quantum-Touch Inc. as a Sc Instructor.

  • Self Created Health Instructors and Self Created Health Trainers are energy healing professionals, not mental health professionals. This means that Sc Instructors are coaches or facilitators skilled in helping their clients move themselves through the 7-step self-help process of Self Created Health. Sc Instructors are not counselors.

Step-by-Step Self Created Health Instructor Certification Requirements

Step 1

Complete successfully 4 Self Created Health classes.

It is highly encouraged that at least two of these workshops be in-person workshops. (Copies or scans of your Sc class certificates must accompany your Sc Instructor Application Form.)

Step 2

Become Certified as a Level 1 Instructor

Self Created Health Instructor Candidates must already be teaching Level 1 Quantum-Touch successfully. This means that they are:

  • certified by Quantum-Touch, Inc., to teach Level 1 and in good standing with Quantum-Touch, Inc.

  • practicing Quantum-Touch professionally

  • using Quantum-Touch routinely in daily life.

Step 3

Teach a minimum of ten (10) Quantum-Touch Level 1 workshops

Teaching a minimum of ten Level 1 workshops ensures that future Sc Instructors have a firm grasp of the principles and practices of Quantum-Touch Level 1 and its importance as a foundation for all Quantum-Touch techniques. It also means that future Sc Instructors are experienced in facilitating Quantum-Touch workshops.

Step 4

Attend a Level 2 workshop

If you have not already taken a Level 2 Workshops as part of your Level 1 Instructor Certification requirements, please attend a Supercharging workshop.

Step 5

Attend a Supercharging Workshop

If you have not already taken a Supercharging workshop as part of your Level 1 Instructor Certification requirements, please attend a Self-Created Health workshop.

Step 6

Optional: Attend a Manifesting Miracles Workshop

If you have not already taken a Manifesting Miracles workshop as part of your Level 1 Instructor Certification requirements, we encourage you to attend a Manifesting Miraclees workshop.

Step 7

Complete the Self Created Health Instructor Application Form and send to QTHQ, along with a $200 application fee.

  • Complete an application form and email to 该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。 along with your non-refundable application fee of $200 USD.

  • The application will go through a review process. Quantum-Touch Headquarters will talk with a few of your Level 1, Level 2, Sc or Supercharging Instructors. This will help QTHQ assess your readiness to proceed.

  • You have one year after submitting your application to complete the instructor certification process.

Step 8

Select a Sc Instructor Trainer and complete the Self Created Health Instructor Candidate Interview.

For those candidates who have been cleared by QTHQ to be considered for the Self Created Health Training Program, the next step is to select a Sc Trainer and be interviewed by them.

Click here to find your Sc Trainer.

Our Trainers are a group of highly experienced and successful Sc Certified Instructors worldwide who have been approved by Quantum-Touch, Inc. to support you in your goal of becoming a Sc Instructor.

Once the Trainer has agreed to work with you, schedule and complete the one-hour interview. After the interview, Quantum-Touch Headquarters will notify you whether or not you are eligible to proceed to the training phase.

Step 9

Complete the Sc Curriculum Training class - 6 hours working one-on-one with your Sc Trainer

This class is 6 hours of detailed content reviewing the curriculum of Self Created Health workshops (online or in-person). It includes working with the Sc Instructor Manual, Sc Student Manual, sample Scripts for Discovery, and class practice. Also included: Sc logistical requirements (commissions, policies, procedures, etc.) and monitoring student practice sessions in class. Sc protocols for conducting private Sc inner healing therapy sessions are also explained (with Guidelines for Conducting Sessions, liability waivers, intake forms, etc.)

The fee for the Curriculum Training Class is $1000 USD, payable to Quantum-Touch, Inc. before the start of the training. This is a non-refundable fee. Your Trainer will complete an evaluation at the end of the Curriculum Training Class, and QTHQ will notify you about your eligibility to proceed to the next step.

Step 10

Practice teaching Self Created Health.

After QTHQ has given you permission to continue Sc Instructor Training, the next step is for you to practice teach a Self Created Workshop with your Trainer. Simply enroll in an upcoming Sc class your Trainer will conduct (register as a repeat student paying 50% of the full registration price). During the workshop, you will be asked to teach certain curriculum topics. You will also assist in monitoring class practice sessions, answering questions, etc.

After the class, your Trainer will complete an assessment of your practice teaching and send it to QTHQ.

Step 11

Complete 4 monitored Self Created Health private healing sessions (25 hours) for a fee of $2,500 USD payable to QTHQ at the beginning of this step. This fee is non-refundable.

Each Self Created Health private session is actually 5 hours, separated into three meetings: 2 hours for the first meeting, 2 hours for the second meeting, and a final 1 hour follow-up. These segments are spaced apart to give the client time to process privately.

In this step, you will participate in four (4) Self Created Health sessions (for a total of 20 hours). The additional 5 hours is for you and your Trainer to meet after client sessions for discussion and questions.

  • Session #1 – Trainer conducts all five hours while you observe. (5 session hours + 75 minutes of de-brief and discussion as needed)

  • Session #2 – Candidate conducts all five hours while Trainer observes and steps in if needed. Client completes an evaluation form at the end of the final meeting and sends to the Trainer. (5 session hours + 75 minutes of de-brief and discussion as needed)

  • Session #3 – Candidate conducts all five hours while Trainer observes and steps in if needed. Client completes an evaluation form at the end of the final meeting and sends to the Trainer. (5 session hours + 75 minutes of de-brief and discussion as needed)

  • client #4 – Candidate conducts all five hours while Trainer observes and steps in if needed. Client completes an evaluation form at the end of the final meeting and sends to the Trainer. (5 session hours + 75 minutes of de-brief and discussion as needed)

Trainer completes an evaluation form at the end of this step as to the Candidate’s readiness to conduct solo practice sessions and sends it to QTHQ.

Step 12

Complete 2 solo Self Created Health private healing sessions (10 hours without Trainer).

This is when you work one-on-one with a client during all 5 hours. This not only gives you practice conducting a session, it also cultivates your ability to bring Sc clients in. You can request a de-brief with your Trainer after a client meeting, if needed. Both you and your client will complete an evaluation form after the last meeting. The form is sent to your Sc Trainer.

Step 13

Final 1-hour Interview with Trainer, for a non-refundable fee of $200 USD payable to QTHQ.

The Trainer reads the reviews of your solo Sc sessions and gives you feedback. You will also discuss your readiness to become certified. Then both you and your Trainer will complete a final evaluation form and send it to QTHQ. Quantum-Touch Inc. staff will read all evaluations and decide on certification status.

Step 14

Sign a Sc Instructor Agreement and return it to QTHQ.

Candidates who are granted Self Created Health instructor status will be emailed an Instructor and Ethics Agreement for Self Created Health. This document sent out from Quantum-Touch Headquarters outlines the responsibilities and contractual agreements required of Self Created Health instructors. All instructors must sign this digital form and return it to Quantum-Touch, Inc.

Step 15

Pay a one-time certification fee of $200 USD to QTHQ. This is a non-refundable fee.

Upon receipt of all requirements at the Quantum-Touch Main Office, please allow 2-3 weeks for certification. Certification from Quantum-Touch is required prior to the scheduling of your first Self Created Health Workshop or Professional Session. Students will only receive course credit from Certified Quantum-Touch Instructors.

All fees, terms and conditions of application for becoming a certified instructor are subject to change and are at the discretion of Quantum-Touch, Inc. Completion of the instructor requirements does not guarantee or entitle certification to any individual. All inquiries and submissions are subject to a review and approval process by Quantum-Touch, Inc.

If you are interested in becoming a Self Created Health instructor, please contact Jennifer Taylor, Chief Magical Officer at 该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。

Become a Level 2 Instructor!

Inspire others with your love, knowledge, technique and passion.

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All Level 2 Instructor Candidates are required to train with a Certified Quantum-Touch Level 2 Trainer.

We want our Certified Instructors to share their love and enthusiasm for Quantum-Touch and be well prepared for their classes. They should use Quantum-Touch regularly in their own lives, be able to communicate Level 2 techniques clearly, and guide practice sessions appropriately. The Level 2 Instructor Training Program is designed to strengthen the Instructor Candidate’s ability to meet these goals.

Level 2 Instructor Candidates should also have successfully attended all the other advanced workshops in Quantum-Touch’s professional program (Supercharging and Self Created Health).

Step-by-Step Level 2 Quantum-Touch Instructor Certification Requirements

Step 1

Become Certified as a Level 1 Instructor

Level 2 Instructor Candidates must already be teaching Level 1 Quantum-Touch successfully. This means that they are:

  • certified by Quantum-Touch, Inc., to teach Level 1 and in good standing with Quantum-Touch, Inc.

  • practicing Quantum-Touch professionally

  • using Quantum-Touch routinely in daily life.

Being an experienced Level 1 practitioner and instructor also means that the candidate has already developed a network of clients and students, and is ready to take on the new challenge of teaching QT Level 2. This helps to ensure the candidate’s economic viability when teaching Level 2.

Step 2

Teach a minimum of ten (10) Quantum-Touch Level 1 workshops

Teaching a minimum of ten Level 1 Quantum touch workshop ensures that future Level 2 Instructors have a firm grasp of the principles and practices of Quantum-Touch Level 1 and its importance as a foundation for all Quantum-Touch techniques. It also means that future Level 2 Instructors are experienced in facilitating Quantum-Touch workshops.

Step 3

Attend a minimum of four (4) Quantum-Touch Level 2 workshops

Level 2 Instructor Candidates need to be very familiar with the contents and dynamics of a typical Level 2 class. One way to achieve this is by watching other experienced instructors teach the work. Candidates who attend Level 2 classes with the mindset of a student teacher observe how the workshop is taught and begin thinking how THEY would teach the concepts. It is our hope at Quantum-Touch Headquarters that by the time Candidates have attended four Quantum-Touch Level 2 classes, they will already be able to articulate most workshop topics.

And of course, four workshops is only the MINIMUM. Additional Level 2 workshops will deepen preparation and understanding of the techniques.

Step 4

Attend a Supercharging workshop

If you have not already taken a Supercharging Workshop as part of your Level 1 Instructor Certification requirements, please attend a Supercharging workshop.

Step 5

Attend a Self-Created Health Workshop

If you have not already taken a Self-Created Health workshop as part of your Level 1 Instructor Certification requirements, please attend a Self-Created Health workshop.

Step 6

Optional: Attend a Manifesting Miracles Workshop

If you have not already taken a Manifesting Miracles workshop as part of your Level 1 Instructor Certification requirements, we encourage you to attend a Manifesting Miraclees workshop.

Step 7

Complete and document fifty (50) hours of healing therapy techniques sessions ON YOURSELF using Quantum-Touch Level 2 (QTL2) techniques

This requirement emphasizes to our Level 2 Instructor Candidates the importance of cultivating heart energy in daily life so that it becomes a natural part of their self-care routine. When they use Level 2 to address their own problems, issues or concerns, they become intimately familiar with how the techniques work. They will also gain personal and professional insights which they can share once they begin teaching Level 2.

Please note: 25 hours must involve techniques from Day 1 QTL2, and 25 hours must be completed using techniques from Day 2 QTL2.

After completing steps 1 through 7, apply to begin the next phase of instructor candidacy: the 8-hour Level 2 Instructor Training Program.

Entering the Level 2 Instructor Training Program does not guarantee that one will be certified as a Level 2 Instructor.

This is similar to what occurs when a student enters college. Graduation depends on how well the student performs in class, how much of their mind and heart goes into the process. Our Level 2 Trainers will do their best to support and encourage each Instructor Candidate, but nothing can replace the Candidate’s own initiative and effort.

Step 8

Complete a Level 2 Instructor Training Program Application Form and submit it along with the $300 US$ application fee

Candidates complete the online Level 2 Instructor Application Form and make a copy for their records. There is a $300 US$ non-refundable fee to apply.

Email the completed application packet to Quantum-Touch Headquarters, at 该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。 The packet should include:

  • the completed online application form (which includes payment information)

  • digital copies of class certificates

Candidates will be notified once Headquarters has received and processed their application. If the application has been approved, Candidates can proceed to Steps 9 and 10 (where they will select their Level 2 Trainer and be interviewed by them).

Step 9

Select an approved Level 2 Trainer

Once you have been cleared to begin the Level 2 Instructor Instructor Program, you will need to select your Level 2 Instructor  Trainer(s), contact them (by phone, email or Skype) to see if they are available to work with you and your schedule, and then pay the Trainer Program fee to QT, Inc. The fee is $2000 in US dollars, non-refundable and payable in advance.

Quantum-Touch has certified a small group of highly experienced Level 2 Instructors as Level 2 Trainers. They are our most experienced Level 2 Instructors worldwide, having spent hundreds of hours exploring Level 2 and its ability to help all of us expand as “new humans”.

Select an approved Level 2 Trainer and contact them (by phone, email or Zoom/Skype) to see if the Trainer is available.

Step 10

Complete a Level 2 Instructor Application Interview with a Level 2 Trainer

The interview allows your Quantum-Touch Trainer to discuss the Training Program with you and your readiness to enter it. The interview lasts approximately one hour.

If in the process of this interview, a Candidate shows significant gaps in their understanding of Level 2, additional training on the QTL2 techniques may be required before they can proceed. Any supplemental Level 2 instructor training would be at the Candidate’s own expense. After the interview, Candidates will be notified when (and if) they are approved for the next step in the Level 2 Instructor Training Program.

Step 11

Successfully complete the 8-hour Level 2 Instructor Training Program (fee: $2000 US$)

This program will guide Instructor Candidates through the content and procedures involved in teaching Level 2. Facilitated by some of our top Level 2 instructors worldwide, the Level 2 Training Program provides Instructor Candidates with a comprehensive package of materials designed to make their teaching a success. The $2,000 US$ fee for this individualized training is non-refundable and payable in advance to Quantum-Touch, Inc.

This 8-hour individualized training can be held in person or online using skype, zoom, etc. The program includes:

  • T-2 Document - Level 2 Instructor Training Booklet Agenda. This 16-page document outlines the information and topics to be covered during the 8-hour Training Program.

  • Thorough review of the Level 2 Instructor Manual. Over 80 pages of in-depth content describing workshop techniques and guidelines. It includes a Table of Contents for easy reference, a 2-page Workshop Overview for pacing the topics to be covered, full color high resolution illustrations, and a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section with answers provided.

  • Thorough review of the Level 2 Student Manual. This document will also be explained in detail.

  • Practice teaching key topics in the workshop. During the training, all Level 2 Instructor Candidates will practice teach specific topics taken from the QTL2 workshop. This live practice is an essential component, designed to help Instructor Candidate discover any gaps in understanding or clarity. QTL2 Trainers work with each Candidate to fill those gaps, so that by the end of the training, the Candidate will feel truly ready to teach Level 2.

  • Guidelines for handling class dynamics and workshop details. Specific guidelines for monitoring Level 2 classroom healing sessions are also covered.

  • Guidelines for marketing and administrative details. These include helpful tips and procedures for acquiring, contacting and following up with registered students. Administrative details, policies and procedures specific to Level 2 are also explained.

Step 12

Complete, sign and return the digital Level 2 Instructor Training Program Evaluation Form

Upon successful completion of the 8-hour Level 2 Instructor Training Program, Candidates will receive from their Trainer an evaluation form to complete. This form provides valuable feedback to Quantum-Touch Inc. about the performance of Level 2 Trainers and the Instructor Training Program itself. Opinions expressed will help shape future trainings.

Email the completed form to 该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。

After the Training Program has been completed and the evaluations have been received, Quantum-Touch Headquarters will notify Candidates when (and if) they have been approved as a Level 2 Instructor for Quantum-Touch.

Step 13

Sign and return the Level 2 Instructor Agreement

Candidates who are granted instructor status will be emailed a Level 2 Instructor Agreement. This document sent out from Quantum-Touch Headquarters outlines the responsibilities and contractual agreements required of Level 2 Instructors. All instructors must sign this digital form and return it to Quantum-Touch, Inc. Please allow 2-3 weeks for Quantum-Touch Headquarters to finalize the certification. Quantum-Touch Inc. will email an official Level 2 Instructor Certificate once the process is complete.

Upon receipt of all requirements at the QT Main Office, please allow 2-3 weeks for certification. Certification from QT is required prior to the scheduling of your first Level 2 Workshop. Students will only receive course credit from Certified QT Instructors.

All fees, terms and conditions of application for becoming a certified instructor are subject to change and are at the discretion of Quantum-Touch, Inc. Completion of the instructor requirements does not guarantee or entitle certification to any individual. All inquiries and submissions are subject to a review and approval process by Quantum-Touch, Inc.

If you are interested in becoming a Level 2 instructor, please contact Jennifer Taylor, Director of the Level 2 Instructor Program at 该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。

Energy Healing Methods

Interested in Becoming a Supercharging Instructor?

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The criteria for becoming a Certified Supercharging Instructor include:

  • your love for the work

  • a thorough knowledge of current Supercharging practices

  • a wealth of session experience using all Quantum-Touch techniques

  • the ability to share this knowledge with passion to inspire others

Supercharging Instructor Candidates should also have successfully attended all the other advanced workshops in Quantum-Touch’s professional program (Level 2 and Self Created Health).

Finally, you will need to successfully complete the Supercharging Instructor Training Program with an approved Quantum-Touch Supercharging Trainer.

Step-by-Step Supercharging Quantum-Touch Instructor Certification Requirements

Step 1

Become Certified as a Level 1 Instructor

Supercharging Instructor Candidates must already be teaching Level 1 Quantum-Touch successfully. This means that they are:

  • certified by Quantum-Touch, Inc., to teach Level 1 and in good standing with Quantum-Touch, Inc.

  • practicing Quantum-Touch professionally

  • using Quantum-Touch routinely in daily life.

Being an experienced Level 1 practitioner and instructor also means that the candidate has already developed a network of clients and students, and is ready to take on the new challenge of teaching Supercharging. This helps to ensure the candidate’s economic viability when teaching Supercharging.

Step 2

Teach a minimum of ten (10) Quantum-Touch Level 1 workshops

Teaching a minimum of ten Level 1 workshops ensures that future Supercharging Instructors have a firm grasp of the principles and practices of Quantum-Touch Level 1 and its importance as a foundation for all Quantum-Touch techniques. It also means that future Supercharging Instructors are experienced in facilitating Quantum-Touch workshops.

Step 3

Attend a minimum of four (4) Quantum-Touch Supercharging workshops

Supercharging Instructor Candidates need to be very familiar with the contents and dynamics of a typical Supercharging class. One way to achieve this is by watching other experienced instructors teach the work. Candidates who attend Supercharging classes with the mindset of a student teacher observe how the workshop is taught and begin thinking how THEY would teach the concepts. It is our hope at Quantum-Touch Headquarters that by the time Candidates have attended four Quantum-Touch Supercharging classes, they will already be able to articulate most workshop topics.

And of course, four workshops is only the MINIMUM. Additional Supercharging workshops will deepen preparation and understanding of the techniques.

Step 4

Attend a Level 2 workshop

If you have not already taken a Level 2 Workshops as part of your Level 1 Instructor Certification requirements, please attend a Supercharging workshop.

Step 5

Attend a Self-Created Health Workshop

If you have not already taken a Self-Created Health workshop as part of your Level 1 Instructor Certification requirements, please attend a Self-Created Health workshop.

Step 6

Optional: Attend a Manifesting Miracles Workshop

If you have not already taken a Manifesting Miracles workshop as part of your Level 1 Instructor Certification requirements, we encourage you to attend a Manifesting Miraclees workshop.

Step 7

Complete and document fifty (50) hours of healing sessions ON YOURSELF using techniques from the current Supercharging (SG) workshop.

We want our future instructors to teach Supercharging and use it with clients, but more importantly, we want them to integrate Supercharging techniques into their daily lives. When Instructor Candidates use Supercharging to address their own problems, issues or concerns, they become intimately familiar with how the techniques work. They will also gain personal and professional insights which they can share once they begin teaching SG.


  • 25 hours must involve techniques from Day 1 of the current Supercharging Workshop

  • 25 hours must involve techniques from Day 2 of the current Supercharging Workshop

Complete the Self Healing Documentation Form by downloading form below

After completing steps 1 through 7, apply to begin the next phase of instructor candidacy: the 8-hour Supercharging Instructor Training Program.

Entering the Supercharging Instructor Training Program does not guarantee that one will be certified as a Supercharging Instructor.

This is similar to what occurs when a student enters college. Graduation depends on how well the student performs in class, how much of their mind and heart goes into the process. Our Supercharging Instructor Trainers will do their best to support and encourage each Instructor Candidate, but nothing can replace the Candidate’s own initiative and effort.

Step 8

Complete a Supercharging Instructor Training Program Application Form and submit it along with the $300 US$ application fee

Candidates complete the online Supercharging Instructor Application Form and make a copy for their records. There is a $300 US$ non-refundable fee to apply.

Complete the Level 2 Instructor Program Application by downloading form below

Email the completed application packet to Quantum-Touch Headquarters, at 该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。 The packet should include:

  • the completed online application form (which includes payment information)

  • digital copies of class certificates

Candidates will be notified once Headquarters has received and processed their application. If the application has been approved, Candidates can proceed to Steps 6 and 7 (where they will select their Supercharging Trainer and be interviewed by them).

Step 9

Select an approved Supercharging Trainer

Quantum-Touch has certified a very small group of highly experienced Supercharging Instructors as Supercharging Trainers. They are our most experienced Supercharging Instructors worldwide, having spent hundreds of hours exploring SG and its techniques.

Select an approved Supercharging Trainer and contact them (by phone, email or Zoom/Skype) to see if the Trainer is available.

Step 10

Complete a Supercharging Instructor Application Interview with a SG Trainer

The interview allows the Quantum-Touch Trainer to discuss the Training Program with Candidates and their readiness to enter it. The interview lasts approximately one hour.

If in the process of this interview, a Candidate shows significant gaps in their understanding of Supercharging, additional mentoring of SG techniques may be required before they can proceed. Any supplemental SG mentoring would be at the Candidate’s own expense.

After the interview, Candidates will be notified when (and if) they are approved for the next step in the Supercharging Instructor Training Program.

Step 11

Successfully complete the 8-hour Supercharging Instructor Training Program (fee: $2000 US$)

This program will guide Instructor Candidates through the content and procedures involved in teaching Supercharging. Facilitated by our top SG instructors worldwide, the Supercharging Training Program provides Instructor Candidates with a comprehensive package of materials designed to make their teaching a success.

The $2,000 US$ fee for this individualized training is non-refundable and payable in advance to Quantum-Touch, Inc.

This 8-hour individualized training can be held in person or online using skype, zoom, etc. The program includes:

  • T-SG booklet – the Supercharging Instructor Training Agenda. This document outlines the information and topics to be covered during the training sessions.

  • Thorough review of the Supercharging Instructor Manual. This manual has 68+ pages of in-depth content describing workshop techniques and guidelines in full color. The Instructor Manual is professionally printed and a wonderful resource.

  • Thorough review of the Supercharging Student Manual. This document will also be explained in detail.

  • Practice teaching key topics in the workshop. During the training, all Supercharging Instructor Candidates will practice teach specific topics taken from the workshop. This live practice is an essential component, designed to help the Instructor Candidate discover any gaps in understanding or clarity. The Supercharging Trainer will work with the Candidate to fill those gaps, so that by the end of the training, the Candidate will feel truly ready to teach a Supercharging workshop.

  • Guidelines for handling class dynamics and workshop details. Specific guidelines for monitoring Supercharging classroom healing sessions are also covered.

  • Guidelines for marketing and administrative details. These include helpful tips and procedures for acquiring, contacting and following up with registered students. Administrative details, policies and procedures specific to Supercharging are also explained.

Step 12

Complete, sign and return the digital Supercharging Instructor Training Program Evaluation Form

Upon successful completion of the 8-hour Supercharging Instructor Training Program, Candidates will receive from their Trainer an evaluation form to complete. This form provides valuable feedback to Quantum-Touch Inc. about the performance of Supercharging Trainers and the Instructor Training Program itself. Opinions expressed will help shape future trainings.

Email the completed form to 该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。

After the Training Program has been completed and the evaluations have been received, Quantum-Touch Headquarters will notify Candidates when (and if) they have been approved as a Supercharging Instructor for Quantum-Touch.

Step 13

Sign and return the Supercharging Instructor Agreement

Candidates who are granted instructor status will be emailed a Supercharging Instructor Agreement. This document sent out from Quantum-Touch Headquarters outlines the responsibilities and contractual agreements required of Supercharging Instructors. All instructors must sign this digital form and return it to Quantum-Touch, Inc. Please allow 2-3 weeks for Quantum-Touch Headquarters to finalize the certification. Quantum-Touch Inc. will email an official Supercharging Instructor Certificate once the process is complete.

Upon receipt of all requirements at the Quantum-Touch Main Office, please allow 2-3 weeks for certification. Certification from Quantum-Touch is required prior to the scheduling of your first Supercharging workshop. Students will only receive course credit from Certified Quantum-Touch Instructors.

All fees, terms and conditions of application for becoming a certified instructor are subject to change and are at the discretion of Quantum-Touch, Inc. Completion of the instructor requirements does not guarantee or entitle certification to any individual. All inquiries and submissions are subject to a review and approval process by Quantum-Touch, Inc.

If you are interested in becoming a Supercharging instructor, please contact Jennifer Taylor, Director of the Supercharging Instructor Program at 该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。






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如果你的執業師認證包括兩個初階工作坊,則需要參加另外兩個初階工作坊。這些額外課程的學費是標準價格的一半。這些初階工作坊中至少有一個應該在提交申請的一年內修讀,以學習教授的心態去參與這些課程,了解如何成功應付初階工作坊 ; 你會看到課堂流程的實際情況,並開始在你自己的心靈留下教課和辦課我印象。參加這些工作坊後,我們希望你能夠闡述工作坊各個主題,並且非常熟悉量子共振初階的流程和內容。


填寫申請表格並發送電子郵件到该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。 並繳交不可退還的申請費美元$ 200美元。申請程序將通過審查過程, 量子共振總部將與你的初階導師進行交流,並總體評估你是否準備就緒。你必須於提交申請後一年之內完成導師認證過程。


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參加由你選擇的導師培訓老師的導師培訓課程。所有導師候選人都必須參加由初階導師培訓老師舉行的6小時初階導師培訓課程。本課程的費用是$ 1000美元,直接支付給進行課程的培訓老師。





  • 詳細回顧“量子共振初階導師手冊”中所示的工作坊題目
  • 處理練習環節和課堂流程的指引s
  • 練習環節的溝通和促進的材料
  • 正式初階材料和政策的概述發以展你的業務


  • 舉辦課程時要考慮項目的詳細清單
  • 基礎知識(為你自己創建業務曝光等
  • 廣泛營銷和網推你的課程之提示
  • 工作坊選址方面要考慮的要點
  • 帶進課堂的重點項目)
  • 有助於學生交流的想法(課前和後續聯繫
  • 記錄量子共振總部所需的細節


一旦你成功完成了6小時的導師培訓課程,你將需要在初階導師培訓老師進行的初階工作坊上練習教授。只需報名參加由你的培訓老師講授的初階工作坊(複訓學費 – 標準課程價格的50%)。在工作坊期間,你將教授初階課程材料的部分內容,並積極協助培訓老師監督練習課程和回答問題。




要保持活躍的狀態,導師需要支付199美元的年費。 (注:199美元的導師費已包括了99美元的執業師年度費用。)


  • Quantum-Touch
  • ATTN: Instructor Application
  • PO Box 791720
  • Paia, HI 96779
  • USA









  • 獲授權使用Quantum Touch®的商標:執業師及導師可以用Quantum Touch®的商標,技術,系統及組織去創造一個作為QT執業師及導師的生意,只有QT執業師及導師可以合法地宣傳量子共振課程及療程,因此賦與量子共振執業師及導師名銜的可信性。
  • 專業性及可信性:年費肯定QT只會刊登或推介活躍的量子共振執業師及導師。
  • 推介:量子共振總公司用電話或電郵只會推介認証的執業師和導師 。
  • 執業師導師的簡介:QT會在網站維系執業師及導師的名單。




量子共振初階工作坊給每位有意學習整套量子共振系統的人士,提供的重要基石;修讀量子共振初階工作坊,你將可逐步成為量子共振執業師,或作為認可的持續進修,及你可學會如何令生命能量轉化為終生療癒。 要得到更多關於量子共振初階工作坊的資料,請按此處>





我們建議你完成遠超過最少九十小時,因為你運行能量愈多便愈有信心,和對生命力能量更敏感,90小時將會大大地幫助你構成你的專業實習。請注意:為自己﹑動物﹑植物和遙距治療,在所需的90小時中不得超過30小時,這30小時需要用獨立地記錄,設勿將所有時間一併記錄,健康由我創的治療並不計算為執業師認證的練習時間,現場初階工作坊﹑現場健康由我創﹑網上教授的健康由我創或進階工作坊,都計算為執業師認證的練習時間。 請從‟執業師表格"專頁下載[90小時練習的紀錄表格] >






填寫你的執業師協議請從‟執業師表格"專頁下載[執業師申請表] >




量子共振的[商標及專利政策]提供有關指引,如何使用量子共振名稱作宣傳和開設執業師或導師的生意。請從‟執業師表格"專頁下載[商標及專利守則政策],並在申請時提交已簽名的[商標及專利政策]> >


製作一篇個人簡介,指出你的興趣領域或與量子共振相關的專業,以致其他你在使用的輔助治療。因你選擇在我們的網站內被標榜作推介與及讓我們的職員推薦,你的專業技能或興趣對正在尋找認證量子共振執業師的人很有幫助。你的簡介不得超過250字,你無需將簡介寄給我們。在你被認證時我們會刊登你的聯絡資料 ,而你可以自行在網頁刊登你的簡介。照片只可以由總公司編輯及刊載,如要在簡介內刊登照片,請電郵至 该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。


執業師的認證費用是200美元。可用支票﹑匯標或信用卡繳付,國外執業師可提供信用卡資料﹑或郵寄匯票 或本美金本票,QT接受Visa或Mastercard,其他請支付Quantum-Touch。請注意,執業師認證費用不作退款。




Quantum-Touch, Inc.
Attn: Practitioner Certification
PO Box 791720
Paia, HI 96779





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