(The actual name of the prisoners and of the prison are being withheld for legal reasons)
Thank you for donating the Quantum Touch video workshop and several Quantum-Touch books to a prison on the East Coast.
Between eight to twelve men, all long-term prisoners, have been attending three-hour sessions once a week. We watch short segments of the video followed by a discussion of the men's experience, both as clients and practitioners (holders of the healing space). We have had impressive results including dissipation of elbow, shoulder, and sciatica pains. Mohammed, who had severe pain due to sciatica, experienced a pain reduction from level 8 (high) to 0 (nonexistent). " This is the best I've felt in three days," he said. " I feel excellent."
One member of our group, Carl, had a particularly impressive experience as he was treated by another inmate, Mike. Carl's torn muscle on his left side went from a 10 to 0. " I felt a tornado thing coming through his hands," Carl said, astonished. " It's almost unbelievable."
I was very moved with the compassion demonstrated by the inmates as they continued working with Quantum-Touch. One week during the check-in, I told them my sister Rosemary, who was going in for surgery that Wednesday, was beginning to experience panic attacks. I asked the men if the would keep her in their prayers. (Some of them knew her because she had visited the prison with me.) A number of men, including Carl, said they would pray for her.
Carl then suggested that I go into the center of the circle (and represent Rosemary). He led us in chanting her name three times. As we chanted her name, he had us shake one hand towards the center, sending our energy. I was very moved by this. As the men ventured into this new territory of healing, they did distance healing for Rosemary before we came to that part of the video! I watched with amazement as Ibrahima (who had spent years on Death Row when Massachusetts had a death penalty) instructed the men to extend hands towards me (Rosemary) and do breathing and body sweeps.
" These 'convicts' are healing Rosemary," I thought. " If only people could see this and feel what I'm feeling." Later I told Rosemary what the men had done. Rosemary said it was amazing how much hope that gave her; her anxiety attacks ended.
We continued to explore the healing possibilities of Quantum Touch. In tape 3, Richard discussed the principles of distance healing and manifestation. As we spoke, the discussion expanded to examine how one might use the manifestation principles to secure lasting freedom from prison. This got everyone's attention! We then engaged in a fascinating distant healing exercise where the inmates visualized themselves into the future where they had been free from prison for five years.
In this future scenario, they felt a deep sense of gratitude for their newly found existence as the universe, once considered hostile, is now seen as friendly and supportive. In their future life, they " saw" themselves living freely in the world, surrounded by loved ones, some of whom may have appeared in their lives for the very first time.
The men saw themselves happily doing the work they came into this world to do as they developed their unique gifts. They also saw themselves in nature, walking by the sea or in a forest, and, above all, going anywhere they wanted without restriction. As you might imagine, when we " came back to the present," the feeling in the room had deepened and softened appreciably. The men all commented on the energetic shift that had occurred.
Lastly, I want to include a brief comment on the inmates' attitude towards 9/11. Everyone in the group felt that a violent response by the U.S. was not going to work, and that it would cause more suffering. They were frustrated that no one had come to the prison to ask their advice. Again, we sat in a healing circle and visualized the kind of country where everyone had adequate health care, jobs, environmental protection, and peace.
The men experienced a sense of fulfillment from this exercise; they " saw" a U.S. official coming into the room and saying: " Your country thanks you for the great service you have just performed for it." We all sat there, eyes closed, audibly breathing together.
In summary, although it took a little time for the men to engage with the Quantum-Touch process, they soon began to feel energy, experienced a dramatic reduction or disappearance of pain, and developed a more positive attitude for the future. Although some of the men initially held themselves at a distance from the work, they eventually got more " into" Quantum-Touch and asked that we do more on a more regular basis. We have all turned a corner; I am optimistic for further healing.
I would like to give you my thanks for your kindness in donating the materials that have enabled us to do this work, which I believe will deepen and spread to others in the prison. Since health care is not great in the prison system, it will be a truly wonderful thing when prisoners can facilitate healing in each other and, once released from prison, in their colleagues and loved ones.
Again, a thousand thanks for your invaluable gift.
Sincerely, Gena Corea