Level II Alternative Healing Turns Tears into Joy
Today I spoke with a friend on the phone who was crying. She said her day had been very difficult. Her tears were so overwhelming that I could not understand anything she said other than she was very upset. As I listened I began running Level 2 energy work towards her. Her baby who was in her arms immediately began laughing hysterically. The mom was so taken by this sudden outburst of joy in her child that she too began laughing. So simple, so powerful, and so effective. The baby will attend a Level 2 class soon with the mom. I am certain this baby will continually lift the vibration in everyone in the room. If you have not experienced Level 2 Quantum-Touch work, you are in for a treat. It can be done without altering the breath noticeably, so people do not know you are doing it. Many are calling it a quantum leap in alternative healing work.
With love and joy,
Kim Luchau
Level 1 & 2 Quantum-Touch Instructor
You can reach Kim via Email: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! or Phone: 808-822-4644