Quantum-Touch Basic Online Training

I have just completed the basic online training and the best way to describe it is AMAZING and such a relief!
I am so glad I purchased the product. I am usually cautious of anything that is offered online. However, I can say that I am very glad that I trusted my instincts and took the course. The teaching is invaluable and I am using as much of it as I can, daily. Whether on myself, others or in distant healing on the present or the past.
I was originally searching for some sort of natural healing for a Fibroid condition that I have had for some time. All doctors and people who surround me are pushing almost "bullying" me into having an operation and I am so convinced that this is not necessary. I feel that I created this condition and in there must be a way where I can "uncreate" it.
Thank you so much for the work that you are doing and I am very much looking forward to doing the courses required to become a practitioner and even teacher.
Many thanks again,