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Cancelado! Level 1: Becoming Energized With Cherie Ann Day


Cherie Ann Day

Contact Info:

Cherie -Ann: Day
Phone: 1-208-956-0240
Cell:+52 322-303-4816
Email: cherie@daydesigns.ca




February 17, 2024 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
February 18, 2024 10:00 am - 6:00 pm


Private Home

Oceana Indico #88

Cihuatlan, Jalisco 48987 Mexico

Phone: +52-322-303-4816

Email: cherieann@pm.me

Location Map >


Pre-registration rate:
6,260.00 MXP

Full registration rate:
7,510.00 MXP

Note: Prices do not include tax. For Pre-Registered Pricing, please register 21 or more calendar days before workshop.

Workshop Fees and Policies >

The Quantum-Touch Level 1 Workshop offers you an important building block to learning the entire Quantum-Touch system. Whether you simply want to learn how to heal yourself and care for your friends and family, or if you work as a health care professional wishing to expand your skills, the Level 1 Workshop will teach you a wealth of Quantum-Touch techniques.

By taking a Quantum-Touch Level 1 Workshop, you will be on your way to becoming a Quantum-Touch Practitioner, you can earn approved CE hours, and you will learn how to transform life-force energy into a lifetime of healing.

In this two-day workshop, you'll learn all about the Quantum Touch® Level 1 techniques. Ordinary people develop a real sense of confidence that they can truly help others, while experienced practitioners find that their skills significantly deepen. Before lunch on the first day, you will have sessions with each other and will see even beginners move bones into proper alignment. You'll take home skills which will enable you to ease stress, reduce pain, and facilitate healing for yourself and others. You'll be able to help your animal friends with Quantum-Touch as well. It's so easy, even children can learn it. It's so effective, it's used by professional healers.Quantum Touch naturally enhances Reiki, qigong, acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, physical therapy, etc. Our natural and innate potential to help others is extraordinary and extraordinary techniques are simple to learn. Wear comfortable clothing. Water, tea, and snacks can be provided. Please be considerate of other attendees and arrive on time. You will not want to miss a thing! Check your local country for the pre-registration price. Pre-register 21 days in advance and save!Repeat live basic students are always welcome at half price of the full priceHours may be used to Quantum Touch Practitioner & Instructor Certification.

En este taller de dos días, aprenderá todo sobre las técnicas Quantum Touch® Nivel 1. La gente común desarrolla un verdadero sentido de confianza en que realmente pueden ayudar a los demás, mientras que los practicantes experimentados descubren que sus habilidades se profundizan significativamente. Antes del almuerzo del primer día, tendrán sesiones entre ustedes y verán incluso a los principiantes mover los huesos para alinearlos correctamente. Te llevarás a casa habilidades que te permitirán aliviar el estrés, reducir el dolor y facilitar la curación para ti y los demás.

También podrás ayudar a tus amigos animales con Quantum-Touch. Es tan fácil que hasta los niños pueden aprenderlo. Es tan eficaz que lo utilizan curanderos profesionales. Quantum Touch mejora naturalmente el Reiki, el qigong, la acupuntura, la quiropráctica, los masajes, la fisioterapia, etc. Nuestro potencial natural e innato para ayudar a los demás es extraordinario y las técnicas extraordinarias son sencillo de aprender. Use ropa cómoda. Se puede proporcionar agua, té y aperitivos. Sea considerado con los demás asistentes y llegue a tiempo. ¡No querrás perderte nada! Consulta en tu país el precio de preinscripción. ¡Preinscríbete con 21 días de antelación y ahorra! Los estudiantes básicos que repiten en vivo siempre son bienvenidos a mitad de precio del precio total. Las horas se pueden utilizar para la certificación de instructor y practicante de Quantum Touch.

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