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Rick de Govia

Quantum Touch Instructor, Practitioner, MBA, Live Blood Cell Analysis, Iridologist, Natural Health P


The Energy Healing Institute

Florida, 33415
United States

Contact Information




[email protected]



My wife Paula & I live a Quantum TOuch lifestyle. We incorporate it in our daily lives as well as our business. We have been teaching Quantum Touch for over 10 years. It's an extraordinary, life changing modality.

I lived the first part of my life in Rome, Italy. I began martial arts training at 9 years old and studied under Sensei Vinicio Volpi Judo Master and Reiki Grand Master, who had lived in Japan for 25 years. By the time I turned 18, I had not only achieved a black belt in Judo, but had also became a Reiki Master, allowing me to really hone my healing abilities. I have used Reiki and the art of manifestation (Law of Attraction) to enhance every aspect of my life. 

I received a business degree from Hofstra University where I met my wife 34 years ago. I received my Masters Degree in Business Administration from Rutgers University,NJ and pursued a successful business career for the next 20 years. My training in Reiki and the martial arts helped me to achieve great success in my business endeavors. Although my main focus throughout that period was my career, there was something calling me back to the energy healing arts. I continued my Reiki training routine through healings, self advancement courses and meditation.

After beginning my practice, I was exposed to the Quantum Touch healing modality, something that changed the way I viewed the healing process altogether. I went on to become a Licensed and Board Certified Clinical Hypnotist to further enhance my healing spectrum of modalities.

In my unique healing sessions I use a combination of tools to amplify the energy and accelerate the healing process dramatically. By combining healing modalities including live blood cell analysis, hypnosis when needed, Iridology, chakra balancing, aura repair, crystals, light therapy, sound frequency therapy, (depending upon the needs of the individual,) my clients began to achieve astounding and unparalleled success. In 2008 I became an ordained minister. 

We are Quantum Touch Level 1 & 2 Practitioners and I am also a Level 2 Instructor. We are willing to travel anywhere in the world to teach Quantum Touch, please contact us for details. We teach the Quantum Touch Level 1 Workshop together giving our students the benefit of the male and female perspectives, the yin and yang.. Meet people of like minds. The 2 day workshop will change your life in many wonderful ways. You have the benefit of learning from two trained professionals; who both work with each student during the weekend. We offer a unique perspective in that we use Quantum Touch and energy work in our every day practice. You will experience healing on an emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual level.  It is a very exciting weekend and very interactive and hands on. In this workshop you will receive a wealth of information alongside QT. You will also receive a tremendous amount of healing and direction before the weekend is complete. I also adds a wonderful guided healing meditation and chakra balancing, aura repair, iridology analysis free of charge, along with other concepts that have worked brilliantly with our students to attract the right job, the right people and the right circumstances in their lives. The class is intimate so that you can maximize your experience with one on one training. We are going into a very important year in our consciousness and have found that a lot of people are being drawn to the healing arts. You have been drawn to this workshop for a reason. Remember, there are no coincidences in life. You will learn proven techniques on how to heal yourself, heal others, heal pets, do distance healing, and create the life that you were meant to have. You will experience a transformation. It will change the way you feel and see things in your life. Is will be an enlightening weekend.

In Love & Light,


Please visit our website at:


"Rev. Ricardo de Govia is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider."  Provider # 451147-09  

I will gladly travel out of state and out of country, feel free to contact me for details.      

Languages Spoken: English, Italian, Spanish, & French

Here are some Testimonials: 

Practitioner Testimonials:

Rick De Govia is an excellent energy healer who I highly recommend to anyone and everyone. While many people have sought Rick out to help them with health related issues, I reached out to Rick in order to create more prosperity and abundance in my life. I worked with Rick for 3 months, and the huge amount of prosperity that I attracted after I began working with Rick was unbelievably amazing. The results I received from working with Rick are proof that energy is very powerful, and by working with energy, you can attract anything you truly desire in life. When I first met with Rick, I told him about myself. At the time, I currently had many wonderful people and situations in my life and I felt I was prosperous; however, my sense was that I could have even more than I had. I was looking for someone who could energetically help bring me more prosperity, abundance, and happiness. I believed in many of the spiritual laws of the universe, including the law of attraction; and, I had worked with an energy healer before. Rick was very interested in hearing about me, my previous experiences, and what I was looking to achieve. He explained to me in depth about the importance of being energetically balanced within your physical body, in order to attract what you truly desire in life. He answered my questions about energy, and checked my chakras to see if they were in balance (which they were not in the beginning); he then proceeded to do some energy work on me. At the end of the sessions, Rick would recheck my chakras to be sure they were in balance. I always felt good wonderful after leaving a session with Rick, and internally I sensed that Rick was providing me with something I really needed. As I mentioned in the first paragraph, the changes that occurred in my life during and after having worked with Rick were unbelievable. At the beginning of each energy session, Rick would ask me how things were going in my life, and I would spend a few minutes telling him what was happening. As time went on, the stories I had to share with him about all the abundance and positive things going on in my life were almost too amazing to believe. I have recommended many people to him. I have to say that I feel incredibly fortunate to have had the intuitive sense to seek out the energy work that Rick has to offer. It has made a HUGE difference in my life and I am so grateful to Rick for doing the work he does so well. Thank you.

- D. Rodich, Wellington, FL  

I would like to let you know, that Rick De Govia has helped and is helping me with my serious health problems. I am a 56 year old man and had a horrible accident while working on the job. I fell 15ft to the ground off of a ladder. I spent almost 4 months in hospital, because I had very serious medical problems with many complications and I was in excruciating pain all the time. I was unable to walk unassisted and needed to use a walker for support. I was very limited in the use of my arms and my hands; I could not talk, feed myself, etc. I had very little mobility, and was in excruciating pain all the time. I was taking all sorts of pain medications. After 4 months of being hospitalized and going through physical therapy with very little results, I was worried that I would never have any quality of life again. I cannot tell you what this was doing to me psychologically. Then my wife, in search for answers, met Rick at a Quantum Touch workshop and felt that he could help. I was skeptical, but had nothing to lose. I decided to be open minded and go with my wife’s instincts and see Rick. Due to the fact that I was unable to sit in a car, Rick accommodated me by coming to my home. While he was working on me, I went into a very deep state of relaxation. I could feel this incredible heat and energy flowing through my body. My body felt like it was tingling and electrified all over. I could feel something was happening. I had no idea what, but the sensations I was feeling were amazing, something was happening. I was exhausted. I drank my water as directed and basically went to sleep. The very next morning, I awoke and just felt different. I can’t explain it. All I can say is that I felt like I was stronger and had more energy than I had had since this accident. I turned to my wife and was able to move my lips and actually speak. I had strength in my facial muscles. I said to my wife, this is remarkable, I think I can even walk. I got up I started walking slowly by myself. My wife and I started to cry. It was the turning point to my recovery. I had more feeling in my hands and arms and was even able to move them. I could not comprehend how this was possible after only one session. I had been going to physical therapy for months and saw several doctors with no change. How could there be such a huge improvement in just one session? It was unexplainable, but I didn’t care how, I just knew Rick was going to be the answer to my prayers and I finally had hope that I was going to get my life back. Rick says to me, “I am not the healer; I just awaken and recharge the energy within your body so that your body can heal itself.” I continued to see Rick 2 times per week initially, then once a week and each and every time I met with him I gained more mobility and more strength. My doctors were astounded by my improvements and said whatever you are doing; keep doing it, because it’s working. It has been one year since I began working with Rick. Where medical doctors like to prescribe drugs with energy healing, your body is healing itself.He has also helped my daughter with asthma and my wife with her back and neck problems, and my dog to be more affectionate, calm, and relaxed. He is a very knowledgeable and caring person, who seems to help just about any problem. Our doctors cannot believe that physical problems can be fixed with natural energy, without traditional medicine. I don’t understand how it works, I just know it does. Thank you Rick for giving me my life back. I recommend Rick because he truly cares and knows how to help and make patient feel better. He has compassion to help and I am forever grateful.       

- G. Witowski Hollywood, FL

I have recommended several other people to contact Rick, and when I have done it, I have done it with confidence. Unlike many other energy healers, Rick is clearly not making money his primary or one of his primary goals. Neither is he wrapped up in a lot of psychobabble and mumbo jumbo. He is about getting results. He is forward, available, honest and frank. He and his wife Paula have a mission and the mission, your feelings come first. That mission is helping broken people, broken animals and broken hearts to be healed. They care. Thank you for your love and kindness.

- S.Titton, Philly, PA 

For more Client Testimonials visit our website: 


Instructor Testimonials:

I am writing to let you know what a wonderful weekend I had at the Quantum Touch Level I training. I appreciate you opening your energy to me and the other participants.  I am not sure how others have viewed this training but for me it was a breakthrough weekend.  From the first thing in the morning on day one to late afternoon on the second day, I was learning and opening up in such a big way to my own energy and to your teachings.  I would recommend this training to anyone.  The small class size allowed me to ask all the questions that I wanted and gave plenty of one on one time.  You both truly work well in tandem. It was really a life changing experience for me. I feel like I have been walking two feet off the ground since the training.  Not only that, my creativity has been so strong regarding ways to enhance my own energy work.  I credit your teaching style and selection of topics for this.  I feel like I came questioning my abilities and left knowing I was a healer, or better said, a strong vessel through which healing energies can pass.   My fiancé is so impressed with the changes she has seen since I took the training.  I am so much more upbeat and positive, singing and whistling through the day.  This has come from clearing my chakras and running energy many times daily.  The group healing that was done on me has given me improvement, it is really remarkable.  Again, let me express my deepest and most sincere gratitude to you both.  Please let me know when Level II training becomes available and I will be there.

- Sincerely, J. Brintnall

* Hi Rick & Paula: First let me thank you for sharing your home and your warmth with all of us.  I can't think of a better way to spend a weekend then with kindred souls that have information to exchange. My goal was to become a more effective conduit for helping people and the class certainly accomplished that and more.  I was happy to learn all the different techniques that the two of you seem to have down to a science (all about rhythm).  I will certainly put them to good practice. I want to tell you that from my perspective you are a powerfully balanced and synchronized team and I'm very happy that the Universe conspired to lead me to you.  Just so you know, after the wonderful healing we sent out from that loving circle, things in the lives of family and friends on the list started to move like magic.  Stagnant situations began to unclog and move in the right direction.  Imagine that!!! Thank you again for the hospitality, knowledge and the opportunity to make new friends for this lifetime. Loving Energy to all!  

- D. Parr, Coral Springs, FL 

Dear Rick & Paula,  I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the gift of your loving knowledge and the generous spirit with which you share so willingly and graciously.  Although I had taken the Quantum Touch video weekend workshop in Rhode Island, there is so much to be said for having experienced your wonderful energy and hands on techniques. I consider you both a"gem" of great spiritual value I discovered while here in WPB and look forward to contacting you again ... and again.   It is said that: The Healer manifests as a passion to serve others in the form of repairing the body, mind, and spirit. Rick and Paula are Healers in very sense of the word. May the Divine bless you both and the work you continue to do for the healing of all humanity.

God Bless and much Love,   -  J. Maggiacomo, Rhode Island

For more Student Testimonials visit our website: http://www.theenergyhealinginstitute.com/testimonials-~-students.html 



Rick de Govia's Upcoming Workshops

november 16, 2024
9:30 am - 5:30 pm
november 17, 2024
9:30 am - 5:30 am
In-PersonWest Palm Beach, Florida, United States

Taal: English

You are so much more than just this physical body. You are energy! If you understand that we all are energy then yo...
november 16, 2024
9:30 am - 5:30 pm
november 17, 2024
9:30 am - 5:30 am
In-PersonAll Countries, Florida, United States

Taal: English

You are so much more than just this physical body. You are energy! If you understand that we all are energy then yo...
december 07, 2024
9:30 am - 5:30 pm
december 08, 2024
9:30 am - 5:30 pm
In-PersonWest Palm Beach, Florida, United States

Taal: English

Buckle up!!! Now that you have learned QT Level I which is hands on, QT Level 2 is hands off. This workshop takes Quantu...
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