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Grace Lee, RN, MSN

Certified Quantum-Touch® Level 1 ,2& Supercharging Instructor/ Practitioner , Level 1 Instructor Tra


Texas, 75081
United States

Contact Information



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LANGUAGE: English, Mandarin.  中文資料請往下看!


Certified Quantum-Touch® Level1 &2 Instructor/Practitioner,  Level 1 Instructor Trainer, Certified Assertiveness Coach, Registered Nurse


Practice Session includes:

  • in the clinic,
  • in the client's homes,
  • at medical facilities and
  • long-distance.  


Contact by: email,  Text, and Phone


Grace Lee has been working in the field of hospice management for over 13 years and as a registered nurse for over 20 years with experience in various fields of RN including hospice, geriatrics, medical/ surgical, oncology, premature/ neonatal, and pediatrics.  She has liked studying about natural herbs, foods, and other methods to heal people since her early years. She believes that her spiritual guide leads her to discover Quantum Touch.  She would like to change her career to become a quantum touch instructor/ practitioner and help people in a different way.

She has been through life challenge since 2015 and looked over some alternative methods.  One of her friends introduced her to Quantum Touch teacher Carol Lee in August 2016. She fell in love with Quantum touch.  She started to practice the Quantum Touch healing techniques on her families, relatives, and friends after her first Quantum Touch level I class.  She saw lots of amazing results of healing by treating clients with dementia, anxiety, depression, scoliosis, Sciatic pain, low back pain, lymphoma, high blood pressure, stomach cancer, breast cancer, Parathyroid enlargement, TMJ, reduced myopia and presbyopia, glaucoma, and floaters, Snoring. Uterine fibroids, allergies, and etc. So she decided to become a Quantum-Touch Practitioner and Instructor.  She will combine her western and eastern medical knowledge with Quantum Touch to help people. Grace also has experiences with healing horse, dogs, and cats.





  • 在診所,
  • 在客戶的家中,
  • 在醫療單位,和
  • 遠距離。


Grace Lee一直在臨終關懷管理領域工作了13年以上,註冊護士20多年,在不同領域的經驗包括臨終關懷,老年醫學,内科/外科,腫瘤科,早產兒/新生兒和兒科。她早年喜愛幫助他人,曾經在學生時期去孤兒院老人院當義工,在醫院工作時是醫院的小兒科心臟病,腎臟病,和癌症病友社的義工,從小喜歡學習研究天然草藥,食物和其他方法來療癒人。她的精神指導讓她發現了量子觸療(Quantum Touch)。她改變了自己的職業生涯,成為量子觸療者,並以不同的方式幫助人們。

自2015年以來,她一直在經歷生活挑戰,並考察了一些替代方法。她的一位朋友於2016年8月將她介紹給了量子觸療(Quantum Touch)老師Carol Lee,她從此愛上了量子觸療(Quantum touch)。在她第一次第一天量子觸療(Quantum Touch)初階課程課上,她就開始幫她的家人,親戚和朋友療癒,她運用練量子觸療(Quantum Touch)治療技巧療癒許多親朋好友。療癒經驗包括癡呆症,焦慮症,抑鬱症,脊柱側彎,坐骨神經痛,腰背痛,胃食道逆流,心悸,偏頭痛,腦瘤,淋巴瘤,乳癌,胃癌,高血壓,子宮肌瘤,副甲狀腺腫,減輕了近視老花眼,青光眼,和非蚊症,打鼾,顳下頜關節, 過敏,皮膚過敏疹子,川崎症,中風偏癱,腎衰竭,紅斑性狼瘡等等,她看到許多令人驚奇的療癒結果。她決定成為量子觸療療癒師和導師。她將西方和東方的醫學知識與量子觸療(Quantum Touch)相結合,幫助人們。 她還運用這些技術療癒過馬,狗和貓。





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