Jacqueline Lashley
Quantum Diffusion
Contact Information
Phone: |
+41 76 349 7325 |
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Web: |
http://www.quantumdiffusion.ch |
I became a certified massage therapist and health educator in 1991 with the National Holistic Institute in Berkely, CA. Life experiences encouraged me to learn the following tools: neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), non-violent communication (NVC), active listening, Eriksonian hypnosis techniques, transactional analysis (TA), and Spagyric plant medicine. 20 years later I became a certified Quantum Touch® Practitioner and use these tools in my practice. I am certified by ASCA (Swiss Foundation for Complementary Medicine) and can be reimbursed by many Swiss Complementary Health Insurance companies.
I am very fortunate to have 2 children who have a different approach to life and have learned intensely, and extensively, about the many 'labels' that are used on children, such as: attention deficit with or without hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism-spectrum disorder, dyslexia, dyspraxia, gifted or 'high-potential', and indigo children. My passion is to assist these overwhelmed parents and their children to find a healthy life balance.
Practicienne de sante Agree par ASCA (Fondation suisse pour les medecines complementaires) pour le massage classique. A travers le massage, j'utilise le Spagyrie Phylak® et le Quantum Touch avec mes clients pour trouver un bien-etre et une hygiene de vie saine. Je represente ASPEDAH (l'Association Suisse romande de Parents d'Enfants avec Deficit d'Attention, avec ou sans Hyperactivite) pour le canton de Geneve et souhaite apporter un soutien pour les parents et les enfants avec un trouble d'apprentissage d'ordre TDAH, Haute Potentiel, dyslexique, dyspraxique, et troubles du spectre autistique.