Healing Stories-Basic Class with Hether Churchill

Recently, I gave a Basic class, taking John McKimmey with me to assist. John is the student who does miraculous work, ie: straightening an elderly woman's scoliosis in 10 minutes, and treating her arthritic fingers, so she could work again in 20 minutes. He also did distance work on Sister Ellen, a nun who had a breast tumor, so that when they operated, the day after his distance treatment, the tumor was gone.
At the class, a reviewing student, who'd been on crutches for years, was worked on by John at my request, and she came out of the room walking normally. They worked together for 1 1/2 hours. Another woman requested his assistance, as she'd had pain for years, from an abdominal surgery. In both cases, John found that it was something a family member has said which locked in their physical condition and had prevented their normal healing. When they expressed their emotional hurt the pain & disability was realized and all John had to do then was simply direct the suggestion that the non-working knees communicate with each other to support the client, and with the post surgical client, the pain which was from an emotional component, was then released and the pain from the surgical site vanished. I think this example will help other QT practitioners and students with their slow or hard to heal clients.
Hether Churchill, QT Instructor, VA