Hands On Healing Helps Pregnancy

The story below was written by my client. I thought it would only be fair if she was the one to tell her story.
In 2009 I suffered a miscarriage and had to go through retained curettage. I had to wait for the recuperation of my body for a next pregnancy. I was introduced to a form of hands on healing called Quantum-Touch and it has helped me a lot.
In May 2010, after a urine test with negative results for pregnancy, I was doing a session of QT and the practitioner, Claudia, felt I was pregnant. She asked me to do a blood test to confirm. I thought it was impossible since I had just done a Urine test and it was negative. After leaving the session I went to a lab for a test and felt the greatest joy and surprise to know that I was pregnant. When I was receiving Quantum-Touch hands on healing, I felt that my baby moved with more intensity.
I was afraid to suffer a miscarriage again and again and Quantum-Touch helped me a lot. In 2010 my baby daughter was born, healthy and perfect! I benefited from QT often either by receiving distance healing or from the discomforts brought by pregnancy. QT also helping me for a quicker recovery postpartum.
Even having an ovarian cyst and reversed uterus none of this was an obstacle for me to get pregnant. In October this year, 2012, I gave birth again, this time to a boy!"
Claudia Estefania - CQTP - Brasil
Bia de Castro Oliveira
cel:(11)-9 8234-3636
email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
website: www.biadeoliveira.com.br / www.toquequantico.com.br