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Level 1: Becoming Energized With Chen, Hsiung-Kang Kapler


Chen, Hsiung-Kang Kapler

Contact Info:

Chen, Hsiung-Kang Kapler
Phone: 886-2-27082968
Email: kaplerchen@gmail.com


September 20, 2014 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
September 21, 2014 9:00 am - 5:00 pm





台北市, Taiwan, Republic of China

Phone: 0910-751028

Email: kaplerchen@gmail.com

Website: http://blog.udn.com/Kapler/article

Location Map >


Pre-registration rate:
11,000.00 TWD

Full registration rate:
13,200.00 TWD

Note: Prices do not include tax. For Pre-Registered Pricing, please register 21 or more calendar days before workshop.

Workshop Fees and Policies >

The Quantum-Touch Level 1 Workshop offers you an important building block to learning the entire Quantum-Touch system. Whether you simply want to learn how to heal yourself and care for your friends and family, or if you work as a health care professional wishing to expand your skills, the Level 1 Workshop will teach you a wealth of Quantum-Touch techniques.

By taking a Quantum-Touch Level 1 Workshop, you will be on your way to becoming a Quantum-Touch Practitioner, you can earn approved CE hours, and you will learn how to transform life-force energy into a lifetime of healing.

Quantum Touch Live Level 1 Basic Workshop 量子共振初階證書課程 招生資訊

2014年9月份新班開課, 名額有限,歡迎對Quantum Touch 有興趣的朋友們提早報名

9月量子共振初級證書課程 Quantum-Touch® Level I 

" 量子共振"Quantum Touch"是美國近年流行的一種輔助療法.功效之神奇,絕非筆墨所能形容! 而且簡單易學,可以隨時隨地出手,為人解除痛苦,希望能有更多人學會,助人助己, 課程中,學員之間,互相練習、交換心得,是課程中很重要的一環。 

詳情請參閱 www.quantumtouch.com 或 http://quantumtouch123.pixnet.net/blog

上課日期:2014年9月20日 (六)及21日(日)
時間:09:00 am – 17:00 pm
地點:臺北市青島西路7號9樓905室 (捷運台北車站M8出口, 台大兒童醫院對面, 近中正一分局)
學費: NTD$ 11,600 (不包括參考書藉---量子觸療好簡單, 橡實文化出版)

· 年齢19歲或以下,半價收費NTD$5,800

· 開課前21天繳費(8月29日前)優惠價NTD$9,900

· 再次修讀量子觸療初級證書課程,半價收費NTD$5,800 (必需出示由美國Quantum Touch 認可導師頒發之證書)

導師: Kapler Chen 陳雄康

紐約理工學院 MBA

湖北中醫學院 醫學碩士


* 閣下可致電0910-751028或電郵至[email protected]報名,我們會先預先留位,並有專人與您聯絡而學員必需於報名後完成繳費,否則作放棄論。留位以先到先得及確認繳費後作實。



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