A New Perspective on the Law of Attraction


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Miracles: When something wonderful happens which vastly exceeds expectations.

Manifesting Miracles is a new 14-hour workshop that teaches you how to attract and manifest miracles in your life using Quantum-Touch.

Is there any area in your life that you’d like to enhance? More abundance? A career? New relationships?

Whatever future you are wanting to manifest, you can learn how to cultivate Life Force Energy and then use it to energize your future. It’s exciting, powerful, and very real.

Most people unconsciously project their beliefs, hurt feelings, guilt, etc. into their future and are surprised when their history repeats itself. Manifesting Miracles takes you out of that loop. You’ll learn how to expand your horizons, find a future you desire, and align to it.

Other Quantum-Touch classes touch on this topic briefly, but Manifesting Miracles goes beyond what has been taught before. You’ll want to use these techniques in your life.

Please note: Before you can attend a Manifesting Miracles workshop, you must successfully complete a live Level 1 Quantum-Touch workshop (in-person or virtual), with a Certified Quantum-Touch Instructor. The Original Workshop Online cannot be substituted for this pre-requisite.

What You Will Learn

The class is taught online in 4 four-hour segments (which includes breaks for a total of 14 hours of course time), with time in between meetings for you to practice and experience. Each student receives a 40-page full color student manual, and a Certificate of Completion (after successfully completing the workshop).

Some of the things you will learn in a Manifesting Miracles Workshop include:

Principles & practices of cultivating Life Force Energy using Quantum-Touch

How to enter the field of miracles and stay there

How your future shapes your present

Techniques to align your inner reality to higher frequencies

A proper approach to the Law of Attraction (without using affirmations)

Understanding Pronoia and how tragic blessings happen

5 exercises that help you choose your miracle future

7 manifesting techniques to bridge the future

Refining the process: working with tips, triggers, and pitfalls

Clearing obstacles: self-pity and old beliefs

Q & A

Let the Future Change You Now!

Create a Bridge to a Beautiful Future

Use Life Force Energy to energize and activate your chosen future.

Understand Dark Miracles

Learn how to turn undesirable experiences into an opportunity for healing.

Attract Miracles

Attract and manifest wonderful new futures in your life using Life Force Energy and Quantum-Touch.

Inspiring Words from Students

“In a way, this is a systematic working of what spiritual traditions have taught for years. But the workshop puts the levers of the future in our hands in a way that I'm unaware of their ever having been before. It was rich and generous.”

“The workshop gave me the tools to create what I want in life - I cannot ask for more. THANK YOU!!!”

“Thank you for the great experience.”

“I enjoyed bringing the future into the present, bridging to a beautiful future and the 33 second manifestation technique.”

“It was wonderful seeing everyone who put this workshop together. Very grateful to have been part of it.”


There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is.

Albert Einstein
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