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"Your Healing Hands: The Polarity Experience"

A Gift that Keeps Giving

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by Richard Gordon
A Gift that Keeps Giving

The morning I received my first Polarity Therapy session, I could not believe how badly I felt – I wouldn’t even talk to people. Within minutes of the Polarity session starting, I could feel streams of energy flooding through my body as I was coming back to life.

When I wrote Your Healing Hands: The Polarity Experience in 1978, I did it as a gift for people. I had seen such fabulous healings and so many miracles taking place that I felt I must share this with others. Since then the book has been translated into nine languages and has been an international best seller. I was certain that the book would never grow old and would be useful for all times. I still feel that way today.

Back then, we didn’t know how to run like we do today with Quantum-Touch, but we had other ways to stimulate the life-force energy that are quite useful. There are rocking moves, pressure positions, and polarity positions that can really enhance any healing session. The truth is, I use elements of this book in many of the sessions I do today. Parents have often told me that they used the “tummy rock” and “cradle” to put their children or spouses to sleep. The polarity circle is a fabulous way for a group to give to one person. This is a great stand-alone session --- Now combine QT with the information from this book, and it only gets better!

Richard Gordon
Author of Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal and Your Healing Hands: The Polarity Experience