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Lori Warner


Alabama, 35803
United States

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In early 2016 I became one of only four people in Alabama to obtain certification in Quantum Touch.  Of all the healing modalities I have experienced, nothing seems to be able to match Quantum Touch in getting the client to achieve not only their physical goals but also addressing their emotional issues as well.  From the time I was a little girl my heart would hurt to see someone in pain.  This feeling also extended to animals.  Intuitively I knew I could help them and I was always able to see them in a different light.  Although amazed at my abilities, life unfolded for me like many of us.  I graduated from high school, went to college, got a job, married, became a parent and then a grandparent....life just passed by.  I am now at a point in my life where it is time to give back to my brothers and sisters all the love I have inside of me.

Quantum Touch uses what is called Life Force Energy to accelerate the healing process.  Love is the fuel behind this Life Force Energy and that is where I believe I truly excel. Just in my short period of time I have had wonderful results using this amazing healing modality; not just with "in person" local sessions but in "long distance" non-local sessions as well.  I am also certified in Accessing the Bars and am in the process of getting certified as a Law of Attraction Life Coach.

The picture you see of me is a result of the new process Quantum Touch calls The Art of Youthing.  I was featured in their monthly newsletter in December of 2015 that goes worldwide.  There are numerous studies being undertaken on this subject.  I would love to hear from you to explain how this process works, not only in Youthing but on physical and emotional issues as well. You can reach  me by phone or email to learn more about this process and to set up a session either in person or long distance.  Wherever you may be and with the love and compassion I have in my heart you will have the opportunity to achieve the healing results you desire.  

I have had weekly remote sessions with Lori for awhile and she has addressed so many of my health concerns starting with chronic anxiety that resolved very quickly.  I had been in a car accident many years ago before contacting Lori and I had had a difficult time regaining my wellbeing.  I struggled with dizziness and other symptoms from a TBI, had bulging muscles in my neck, a pressure in my left chest from the seatbelt, shoulder pain, a very restricted diaphragm with a hiatal hernia that made it difficult to breath normally off and on, and left knee pain from mild arthritis.  Lori has helped me to come back to a comfortable normal and words can't express how grateful I am!  Even most of my gray hair has gone away! How great to not have to color it so much!  She has also done remote sessions on my husband and helped his GERD.  He was able to eat more normal fairly quickly!.  Lori has also done remote sessions on my sister who has been dealing with floaters for some time now.  My sister went to her opthamologist after the few sesssions and he told her that her eyes were in the best health that he had seen for her.  Lori is also a delight to work with.  She's always very attentive, loving and there for us.  Thank you so much, Lori!

Karen F, California

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