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Level 1: Becoming Energized With Elizabeth Kwok


Elizabeth Kwok

Contact Info:

Elizabeth Kwok
Phone: 852 2504 2525
Email: sinoam@qthk.org

Raymond Chan
Phone: 25042525
Email: sinoam@qthk.org


December 20, 2014 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
December 21, 2014 10:00 am - 6:00 pm




Kowloon Hong Kong

Phone: 25042525

Email: sinoam@qthk.org

Location Map >


Pre-registration rate:
2,900.00 HKD

Full registration rate:
3,500.00 HKD

Note: Prices do not include tax. For Pre-Registered Pricing, please register 21 or more calendar days before workshop.

Workshop Fees and Policies >

The Quantum-Touch Level 1 Workshop offers you an important building block to learning the entire Quantum-Touch system. Whether you simply want to learn how to heal yourself and care for your friends and family, or if you work as a health care professional wishing to expand your skills, the Level 1 Workshop will teach you a wealth of Quantum-Touch techniques.

By taking a Quantum-Touch Level 1 Workshop, you will be on your way to becoming a Quantum-Touch Practitioner, you can earn approved CE hours, and you will learn how to transform life-force energy into a lifetime of healing.

量子共振(觸療(Quantun-Touch,簡稱QT)) 是嶄新的思維,以新的洞見對待健康。是一種不依賴任何藥物,只著重激發人體自愈系統及肌體自我修復能力的方法.此方法安全、迅速、自然、溫和。當你學會量子共振(觸療)後,即可啟動自我療癒的能力。如果你周圍有人需要幫助,從兒童到老人,在沒有醫療條件,醫生,藥品的情況下,你可以幫助他們緩解疼痛。 請相信你自己,去啟發你身體的自愈能力。 適應人群: 對能量療愈、自然療法感興趣和潛心研究的各界朋友 對養生感興趣及正在經營養生事業的朋友 需要對家人、朋友及自己做保健的朋友 對身心靈成長有要求的朋友 新活館健康中心: 九龍長沙灣道742号鴻昌工廠大廈6/F,C2室 此課程以粵語授課。 培訓中心於課程舉行期間備有茶點;請穿舒適鬆身便服;多帶一件薄外衣;由於要脫鞋關係,培訓中心設有公共拖鞋,如不習慣,敬請自備襪子;勿塗香水或濃烈氣味之香油。
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