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Full! Supercharging With Mervyn S. Foster


Mervyn S. Foster

Contact Info:

Phone: 00 (1) 310 984 6899 Ext 2
Cell:Skype: qt.nicole.miller
Email: advancedws@quantumtouch.com


October 30, 2010 9:00 am - 6:30 pm CEDT
October 31, 2010 9:00 am - 6:30 pm CEDT


Seminarraum ANTAGON

Sigmundsgasse 12

Vienna, Wien 1070 Austria

Website: http://www.antagon.at/seminarraum1.html

Location Map >


$700 USD

Quantum-Touch, Inc. is bringing back the SUPERCHARGING Workshop! This long-time favorite has been revised, revitalized and is now ready for you to enjoy!

Please join Mervyn S. Foster for Supercharging Quantum-Touch in Austria - October 30 & 31, 2010

Robert Naller, QT Practitioner & Instructor, +43-6991-159-7595 (Informationen auf Deutsch)

This workshop is now full.  Please email Nicole at [email protected] to be placed on a wait list.  Thank you!

Lifetime tuition investment is $700  USD (approximately 560 €)

Please note that the hours for this workshop may be updated due to translation and/or room space.  Please check the times when you register.  Thank you!

We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card.

Du fragst Dich, wie Du…


  • die Effektivität der Quantum-Touch Basistechniken weiter steigern kannst?
  • Deinen energetischen Fokus schärfst?
  • in Deinen Sessions länger anhaltende Ergebnisse erzeugst?
  • die Energie noch stärker anheben kannst, um Gesundheit, Intuition und persönliche Transformation zu verbessern?
  • Deine Frequenz automatisch so einstellen kannst, um an spezifischen Beschwerden zu arbeiten?
  • Realität schaffst?


Lerne Supercharging!


Unsere Quantum-Touch Supercharging Ausbilder können Energie klar wahrnehmen und helfen Dir dabei, Deine einzigartige Schwingung und Deine Art, mit Energie zu arbeiten, fein abzustimmen. Jeder Supercharging-Kurs ist auf 14 Teilnehmer limitiert, um persönliche Betreuung für jeden Teilnehmer sicherzustellen.


Supercharging Quantum-Touch war der erste Fortgeschrittenen-Kurs, geschaffen und entwickelt von Quantum-Touch Gründer Richard Gordon, Alain Herriott und Mary „White Eagle“ Derr, einer höchst intuitiven und begnadeten Energiearbeiterin. Indem sie Marys Forschungen über die Energiefelder von Menschen aller Alterstufen, Rassen und ethnischen Gruppen mit Richards und Alains Erfahrung mit Energiearbeit kombinierten, entwickelten sie neue Wege, um die Effektivität von Basis Quantum-Touch weiter zu steigern.  

Mervyn Foster
Mervyn has been working with energy for many years, he has been a Shiatsu Practitioner for over 14 years and it started with his passion with the Martial Arts of Aikido and Iaido where he qualified as a Black Belt teacher and instructor. It was here that he started working with Ki (Qi) energy which took him on his journey to train as a Shiatsu practitioner in 1993 with a British School of Shiatsu in London. He and his tutors noticed that he had the ability to feel energy very early in his training and this helped him develop his ability of ‘seeing’ and ‘smelling’ energy.

Mervyn has been training with Alain Herriott and Denise Godfrey over the last few years to become the Advanced Instructor for the UK, Ireland and Europe. He has a passion for teaching and taught Basic Workshops for nearly three years and loves seeing new students to Quantum Touch find energy for the first time and he knows that the techniques that Richard Gordon developed can be used by anyone and everyone. Supercharge and Core classes are the next level for everyone who needs to know more about Quantum Touch and Mervyn’s ability to help and guide students to use their energy is a great asset.

Mervyn can be reached at www.soothing-hands.co.uk

Lifetime tuition investment is $700  USD.

Refund Policy for Advanced Level Workshops:
  • If you cancel your registration greater than ten business days before the workshop, Quantum-Touch, Inc. will refund your money minus a $50.00 USD administrative fee.
  • If you cancel your registration between 5 and 10 business days before the workshop, Quantum-Touch, Inc. will refund 50% of your total tuition minus a $50.00 USD administrative fee.
  • If you cancel your registration 4 business days or less before the workshop, or you do not come to class, there will be no refund.
  • If you desire to change workshop dates/locations, there is a $50.00 USD administrative fee.

Class Cancellation Policy:
On rare occasions, Quantum-Touch, Inc. may cancel or move an advanced class due to low enrollment, severe weather conditions that may prevent travel, or other unforeseen circumstances.

If Quantum-Touch, Inc. cancels the workshop, your registration fee will be refunded in full.  Please do not purchase non-refundable airline tickets or make non-refundable deposits on lodging.  Quantum-Touch, Inc. will not be responsible for refunding the cost of airline tickets or lodging reservations.

Additional Workshop Information:
Attendance of an Advanced Workshop is considered ‘at will,’ and the student reserves the right to exit the workshop at any time.  If a student chooses to leave the workshop before completion, or if a student is removed from an advanced workshop for any reason, (which is at the discretion of Quantum-Touch, Inc., its employees, and/or its instructors), there is no refund, and the student will not receive course credit.

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