The Wonderful Versatility of Quantum-Touch

by Sue Rigby
The versatility of Quantum-Touch is wonderful. We can literally do it anywhere!
I have been very lucky to be gifted a hot-air balloon flight and I was reminded of this versatility when I gave Quantum-Touch to a fellow passenger in the middle of a farmer’s field.
During the flight we were standing for quite some time. When we had landed, one of the passengers mentioned that his back was painful, so I offered him some Quantum-Touch. He seemed quite skeptical but said, “Yes. Why not?” He was amazed to instantly feel heat and the easing of his pain.
I have since thought back to other occasions.
When I went to collect my car from my local garage after a routine service, I walked into the workshop area. The mechanics were standing by the inspection pit and one was holding his face in pain. When I asked what was wrong, he said that he had an awful toothache. I explained about Quantum-Touch and offered him some help. His pain quickly eased.
When visiting farming friends, some sheep had escaped onto the road and one was hit by a passing vehicle. My friends carried her into the farmyard where she lay down, unable to stand and in obvious distress. They were on the verge of sending for the vet but agreed to let me help first. In just ten minutes she was standing and able to walk to a safe enclosure to continue her recovery.
While visiting with a friend, her cat came and sat with me. My friend said that the cat seemed “off-color” lately, but she hadn’t been able to identify what was wrong. The cat stayed with me and I ran Quantum-Touch energy with the cat gently purring away. A few days later, my friend called to say that a thorn had emerged from the top of her cat’s paw!
As you can see, I have used Quantum-Touch in a field, a farmyard , a sitting-room and a garage, as well as my usual clinic setting. Where next I wonder?
The skills that we learn in Quantum-Touch can be used in so many situations and places, often unexpectedly. They are such a valuable life-skill for helping ourselves and others and I am grateful every day.

Sue Rigby
Quantum-Touch Practitioner
Level 1 and Level 2 Instructor
Shrewsbury, United Kingdom

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