Quantum-Touch for Acne and More

I received a remote healing request from Brenda, who had read my story about applying Quantum-Touch for a skin condition, featured in a previous newsletter.
Brenda’s son, Jack, was having a lot of acne show up, especially on his forehead. As Jack has autism, Brenda mentioned that his hygiene may have been the cause of the acne. Jack was also having an issue with his digestive system. Brenda had tried a few different things, but nothing seemed to be making a difference.
I worked remotely for 45 minutes with Jack. I often work while my clients are asleep. When they are sleeping, their innate healer and their guides are in charge of utilizing energy. In many cases, this works better for me.
I started working on Jack. First, I removed energetic debris which was no longer serving him, which could be things like medication and emotional material. Next, I was guided to work with his brain. I spent most of my time there as his brain had so much debris, with much of it coming out from his forehead. I knew that these were perceived as acne when they were in physical form. I pulled out as much as I could. They kept on coming and I kept pulling them out.
After I removed a significant enough amount that I felt good about it, I made sure Jack’s various brain parts were balanced (which you can learn via the Quantum-Touch Level 2 workshop!) His brain function was left at ease.
Then, I included Brenda’s family. Her ex-husband and Jack’s grandparents were “bundled together” and infused with love. In many cases, caretakers are exhausted, meaning they get irritated easily. They need the energy of love, too. It’s for this reason I address the issue of environmental energy, which surrounds the client. Without giving this attention, energy will easily return to its original state.
After the session, Brenda was so happy to see the difference! Her mother, Jack’s grandma, became more patient and loving towards him and Brenda didn’t have a meltdown due to exhaustion.
Finally, Jack’s acne cleared significantly. Brenda was so impressed with the power of Quantum-Touch that she’s thinking about asking for more sessions in the future.

Mayumi Pachkoski
Quantum-Touch Practitioner, and Instructor
Maryland, United States

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