Working Trackside (Distantly) at the Rodeo

by Carol Lee
Spiritual Consultant, Quantum-Touch Instructor of L1 and L2, Self Created Health, Supercharging, and Quantum-Touch Instructor Trainer.
I know that Energy Healing to some may seem strange. And I know it can be a far stretch for some to believe that Distant Healing can make a very real pain in your body disappear, or assist in calming anxiety, or help you sleep better, or make you more productive…
It’s easy to be skeptical about things that we haven’t yet experienced or seen for ourselves!
Sometimes, it takes seeing or experiencing something for us to believe it is possible.
I have been offering Energy Healing Sessions in-person and remote or distantly for years. To me, it is my life. I call it my God job and it can be instantaneous, think it and it is so.
Through the years my clients from many backgrounds have found Energy work profound, not only for their own healing situation but also their animals, land, businesses and energetically clearing their homes of disharmony.
I never know if my next session is going to be a person, place, situation, meeting, court cases, or helping one of my Cowgirl Barrel Racers with her horses at a Rodeo. Below is text message thread, pictures and video, a call help I received from a client.
Holly is a long-time client, Texas rancher, cowgirl (barrel racer), educator. For those that don’t know what a “barrel racer is”, Barrel racing is a rodeo event in which a horse and rider attempts to run a cloverleaf pattern around preset barrels in the fasted time. Therefore, mental focus, calm and trust is absolutely a must and the rider knows when their horse is off or not preforming well..
Just like any pet owner knows when there is something wrong with their loving pets. Sometimes it is unexplainable unless you know Energy!
Client request by way of text message:
Ms. Carol can you clear/work on these two? We are in Oklahoma City for a race. Joy (palomino) is beside herself, especially when I take Roxy (bay) away. She has torn everything she can up, hasn’t eaten or drank very much, and she’s usually the calmer of the two. Joy runs tomorrow and Saturday and, on her exhibition, yesterday, she was a nervous wreck too. Roxy just ran and will run again Friday, and then with Emory, my daughter on Saturday. She hit a barrel in her run today, which is unusual for her.

Holly, I got your message / started working on both horses. Joy is affected by several unseen energies hanging around the stables and another has attached to her.
Joy was asking Roxy for help. She felt abandoned 😱
I am still clearing the unseen energies causing disharmony. Praying for success, good showings, and races.
Keep me posted

Thank you! She is already a lot better. We should make our first run in 50-60 min. Joy worked nice. Not the fastest but worked a nice pattern. Now Roxy is the one acting like a fool. 🤦🏼♀️
That's good for Joy but now I'm going to work on Roxy. Hopefully we can clam her down.
Joy in her run today ❤️

She looks good
I cannot thank you enough for working on my horses. They have both calmed wayyyyy down and are acting more like themselves!

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