Quantum-Touch Helps Manifest a New Job

My partner was fired from his job due to a corporate merger. It was unexpected, but he was already unhappy with the company and had been thinking about resigning, so both he and I believed it was a forced termination from the universe.
He took a week off and actively worked towards finding a new job, sending out resumes and contacting agents and people he knew. However, his age and high level of skills made it more challenging than expected to find a new job. His anxiety increased, and his impatience turned into fear.
Then, one day, due to stress from working on the computer all day, he couldn't lift his arms. His body was in pain.
As a holistic massage therapist, I often offer Quantum-Touch to my clients during massages. I suggested he receive a massage and Quantum-Touch to alleviate his fears and stress and help him secure the job he desired. He agreed willingly.
His body was stiffer then I had anticipated. I maintained high vibrations and focused on his body and breathing. After a while, I could feel the tension slowly releasing from his body. He realized how much tension he had been holding onto and said, "I feel so relaxed, thank you."
We did another session the next day, and his arms moved smoothly, and his smile returned.
I then suggested Quantum-Touch to help find "the best work for him." His response was, "Please do it for both of us! I want to work comfortably and happily, and for our happiness." I gratefully concentrated and focused only on a positive outcome as I do for my clients.
The next day, two attractive job offers popped up. He chose a company where he felt comfortable with the person who would be his boss.
The new workplace was vastly different from the previous environment. He received the same salary, no overtime, and a less stressful position where he felt appreciated and loved by everyone around him.
I am so grateful I studied Quantum-Touch because I was able to support my loving partner in healing his body and mind and achieving more than he ever dreamed of, and our relationship also improved.
I am convinced that Quantum-Touch heals not only the recipient but also the practitioner. The speed of change is fast, and it feels like only the best things can happen.

Manami Takahashi
Quantum-Touch Practitioner
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

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