The Beauty of Using Divine Higher Guidance When Experiencing Illness and Uneasiness

During my time as a Licensed Professional Counselor, I specialized in trauma. I was an EMDR Therapist and administered around 5,000 EMDR sessions with clients. When I became a Certified Quantum-Touch Practitioner, it opened up so many new possibilities for me because for so long I pushed down the part of myself that helped me survive very difficult things.
The part of me that can see what most call, “The unseen.” The part of me that has always known how to discern things of Divine Light from much darker things. The part of me that knows people deserve to feel connected with the Divine Beings (who I call Higher Guidance) that are always with them, especially their inner healer. The part of me that knows there are sometimes more sinister things behind why a person is ill or hurt. I don’t hide that part of myself anymore.
I am grateful every time my own Higher Guidance allows me to help a child or adult feel more at peace. What most don’t realize is that the first place of spiritual attack is the mind. When the mind becomes compromised, the rest of the body becomes very vulnerable for energy of all types to torment them. Sometimes that might mean a physical illness manifests. Other times it might look like clinical depression or anxiety.
Even though I am no longer a LPC, my clinical experience in mental health is something I use when helping people. I work very closely with a person’s Divine Higher Guidance to help them find relief and healing in the ways that is needed the most; healing on a SOUL LEVEL.
I have been able to see and sense energies all of my life. When people reach out to me for help due to dark and oppressive things happening in their lives, sometimes that might mean I help them by doing a spiritual clearing of their home/land. Other times it might mean I do an individual Quantum-Touch session with them.
All my services can be done distantly. If you are experiencing an illness that has seemed to come out of nowhere, or if you are experiencing oppression that you feel cannot be explained, maybe it is time to reach out for some help. You deserve to feel peace again. I would love to help if I can.
May Light Surround You Today.

Amie Hope Thomas
Quantum-Touch Practitioner
Connecticut, United States

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