Mayumi Pachkoski
Esthetician, Energy worker & Level1, Level 2 Instructor, Brand Ambassador, Wellness biz coach
Beauty Within Skin Care, LLC
1407 York Road #210A
Maryland, 21093
United States
Contact Information
Phone: |
1-443-987-4140 |
Email: |
Web: |
https://beautywithinskincare.com |
Language English, Japanese (日本語), Little Mandarin Chinese 日本語での自己紹介は英語の後に続きます。
Hello! I'm Mayumi, a holistic wellness practitioner with a passion for integrating energy work into skincare. Originally from Japan, I founded a holistic salon in Maryland in 2008, blending traditional practices with modern techniques.
With guidance from Carole Walderman and extensive training in esthetics, I've developed a unique philosophy emphasizing body, mind, and spirit balance. My journey into energy healing led me to Quantum-Touch, where I'm now a Level 1 & 2 Instructor and Brand Ambassador.
My approach to energy work revolves around healing the past swiftly to enable full present living and future creation. I specialize in manifestation sessions, helping clients align with their desires and potential.
Educational Milestones:
- Graduated from Seinan Jo Gakuin Junior College, Japan with a Major in English (1989)
- Alumni of Robert Paul Academy of Cosmetology Ars and Sciences, specializing in Cosmetology (2000)
- Von Lee International School of Aesthetics, specializing in the Esthetician course.
Major Certifications:
- Advanced Danne Certification (2006)
- Usui Reiki Level 1 & 2
- Certified Wellness Coach, Spencer Insitute (2015)
- Access Consciousness: Energetic face lift and Access Bars (2015)
- Quantum-Touch Certified practitioner (2019), Level 1 Instructor (2020) & Level 2 Instructor (2022)
- The Silva Ultramind System (2023)
- Quantum Allergy Workshop in Netherlands (2023)
- Certified Hypnotherapist by Paul MacKenna (2024)
I've been honored to share my expertise at events like Canada's Quantum-Touch Retreat and on English-speaking podcasts. My mission is to inspire, educate, and facilitate healing wherever I go.
If you're interested in learning Quantum-Touch or co-creating your wellness journey, I'm available for sessions and workshops globally. Feel free to reach out at
Client testimonials
"After years of my brother refusing to cooperate with me, my lawyers, or court with matters related to the death of our parents, I sought out help from Mayumi, and after 2 sessions with Mayumi, I received news from my attorney that one big issue has resolved and other things are progressing."~ Anna
"Lately, I haven't had many afternoon bookings, and there were even days with none. However, yesterday, I suddenly received bookings from a new client and a previous customer. Additionally, I was asked by a customer to do the consulting work I had been wanting to do for a long time." ~ Ayane
"As a nurse, I work with in the family home of my pediatric clients. This can result in a lot of dynamics involving other family members. I was having some communication issues with my patient's family member, and I asked Mayumi for some help with resolving it.
Mayumi got to work right away, asking for the best and highest result for all parties involved.
The next week, when I returned to work, the family member was a different person! He was happier, more joyful with my patient and his brother, and had more reasonable expectations of me as the nurse, and not as a playmate. This absolutely was a joyful outcome for all involved! Thank you, Mayumi for making my life easier in the process!" ~ Linda
"With Mayumi's expertise in energy work, I was able to work towards healing a difficult relationship I've been dealing with for years. Before I saw Mayumi, I felt a lot of anger and disappointment towards this person and a lot of guilt within myself for feeling that way.
After a few sessions with Mayumi, I noticed things started to change. I was more tolerant and forgiving of this person. The things that bothered and angered me before, no longer really mattered as much to me. It was a mix of that person seemingly changing and a shift within me that didn't let certain things bother me as much.
Months later, this shift has been maintained. It's not like this person and I are 'besties" now or any closer, but it's more of a freedom that I am experiencing by not feeling anger and frustration any longer."~ Kerri
"Mayumi was my QT1 and 2 teacher. She was a wonderful teacher and I have learned a lot from her. I have been using the QT technique to deal with the issues in my life. But there was something that I just couldn't fix myself. So I thought of Mayumi because I knew she is very powerful and talented. I did 2 sessions with her.
The first session was related to my limited belief about money. She helped me to remove it. After the session I could feel the energy shift and my mental setting alter. I am now allowing and seeing abundance happening in my life.
The second session focused on my relationship with my daughter, There was definitely a lot of stress in this relationship. Mayumi was able to remove the stress. She also told me each soul has its own plan for this life.
After the stress was removed, I surprisingly saw my daughter's change. And I become more relaxed when I facing her. Mayumi is a very gifted and intuitive healer. And I know she keeps studying and improving herself which I adore very much.: ~ Yi Wang
"I discovered Mayumi's article on how she used Quantum Touch to heal skin conditions at a moment when I desperately needed it. For years, I had battled persistent acne and various skin issues, and was left feeling frustrated and hopeless.
Despite my best efforts, nothing seemed to work. I consulted dermatologists who prescribed pharmaceuticals and topicals, sought advice from Functional MDs, tried expensive facials at renowned wellness spas, and tested an endless array of skincare products. I even tried EMDR therapy, hoping to uncover and heal any hidden trauma that might be contributing to my condition. None of these approaches brought lasting results—or even noticeable improvement.
When I came across Mayumi’s website, I had an immediate sense that her work would be powerful and felt a pull to reach out.
The sessions were transformative, and Mayumi’s intuition was nothing short of remarkable. Each session was unique, as she tapped into her extensive toolkit of healing techniques and adapted based on what she felt was needed in the moment. I found myself eagerly anticipating each session. The most profound experiences for me were the remote healing sessions she sent while I slept. In the hours leading up to those sessions, I could feel the energetic shifts, as if my body knew the healing energy was already on its way.
Week by week, I began to notice not just subtle changes but significant improvements in my skin. It was as though the years of struggling with acne and skin issues were melting away, layer by layer. The results were nothing short of incredible." ~Terran
"Mayumi is a gifted energy healer. She is committed to this work and has mastered numerous modalities. She has a large skill-set to offer her clients.
Mayumi recently helped me with a couple of life-long issues that have hindered me greatly. These were old thought patterns and beliefs that I learned from my parents. The stress and frustration were intense, and it was affecting my ability to sleep and function in life.
After these sessions, my relief was palpable. I could feel the stress rolling off my body and it continued for a few hours afterwards. As a result of her efforts, I feel lighter, happier and more relaxed than I have in decades.
I’m excited to see the future unfold without these “dark clouds” hanging over my head. Thank you, Mayumi!!!"~Pat.
Many stories are often featured on QT website ARTICLE page and QT newsletters. If you are interested in any energy work session, please contact me at
I would love to work with you and co-create the best outcome!
Student testimonials
"I highly recommend Mayumi to anyone seeking expert guidance in Quantum-Touch, Her passion, professionalism, and mastery of the practice are truly exceptional. Mayumi creates a learning environment that feel both supportive and empowering, ensuring you're never alone in the process. Training with her was an enriching experience, and her dedication to her craft is evident in every session. If you're looking to deepen your understanding of energy healing, Mayumi is an outstanding coach and mentor."~ Lauren
"Mayumi is simply amazing! She is so knowledgeable and patient! She allowed me to ask as many questions as I needed and has truly empowered me to more confidently practice QT!
I am so grateful to have crossed paths with her because she sincerely has her students best interest at heart! Mayumi, THANK YOU SO MUCH for your guidance and wisdom!" ~Meena
"What I have taken away was more than I have expected. I have thought the workshop was just about teaching breath techniques. Yet it was more than that.
Mayumi was an excellent teacher. She has extremely knowledge and hands-on experience. She explained the knowledge very well and also gave great demonstration. She patiently answered every single question.
Really appreciated what I have experienced in the last 2 days." ~Yi Wang
"Mayumi's expertise and teaching methods were incredibly valuable in enhancing my comprehension of the subject matter and its practical application in my daily life.
Mayumi's guidance on effectively utilizing the techniques to assist clients, especially those unfamiliar with them, was particularly insightful.
I also appreciated the seamless facilitation to the virtual audience and those in the room so we were able to train and observe how to conduct Quantum Touch in person and remotely.
Taking this course with Mayumi was a truly exceptional experience, and I am immensely grateful for the opportunity. Her unwavering encouragement and empowerment have inspired me to pursue a career as a Practitioner."~ Patrice
"It is your unique skill set due to your unique history that makes you so special, and why I sought you out. Maybe I can still drive down to you one day soon to get a facial, too. I would like that a lot. Thank you for sharing your gifts with the world, I am grateful for your wisdom, and insight that I can now share with all of my clients all over the world." ~Kat.
"Hello, Mayumi. I hope you are doing well and back home safe. Thank you for all your gifts. I really enjoyed the workshops. That makes me want to be a practitioner. All the best. Blessings."~Nora.
"Mayumi, I am so grateful for you and for your gift of teaching. I learned a lot and feel like I am in a better place with Quantum-Touch. I am hopeful that I can continue to be a better 'me' as well as help others to see the gift in themselves. With love and gratitude."~Terry.
"Thank you so much for everything! You are an amazing teacher, and I'm really looking forward to the next levels!"~Kristen
"Hello, Mayumi. Thank you so much for the level 2 workshop! It was incredible and I learned so much. All of the people in it were amazing and I'm so grateful to have been a part of it"~Kristen.
" Thank you, Mayumi for your Quantum -Touch Level 1 workshop. I really enjoyed it. I use it often for myself and even tried distance healing once. It is hard to believe, but I saw some results. " ~Liliya.
アメリカでは名門と呼ばれたエステ学校で教鞭をとった経験もあり、日本へはブログ https://pmayumi.com/ を通してヒーラーさんやセラピストさん達への経営コンサルティングも行っております。
お問い合わせは mayumi@beautywithinskincare.com に日本語でお気軽にお問い合わせください。
" 真由美さん!急に三日前、来週とポンポンと予約が入りだしました!そして今公式HPからも新規でメイク体験の予約が入りました。"~ kazumiさんより
" 最近はお昼からの予約があまりなく、ゼロの日もあったのですが、昨日はいきなり新規の方とそして以前のお客様からの予約がありました。そして自分が以前から考えていたやりたいコンサルの仕事をお客様から頼まれました。" ~Ayaneさん
”クォンタムタッチやエネルギーワークを学んだことがなかったので未知の世界でした。なので、理解できるかな?難しいかな?と最初は思っていましたが、実際やってみると、難しい事をしなくてもすぐに変化が現れ、実感でき、とても驚きました。道から確信に変わった瞬間です。凄く楽しくて最初の不安は吹っ飛びました。これからより学びを深めていきたいと思いました。”~Misizu さん
" 初めは私自身スピリチュアルな感覚はほとんどないのではたして習得できるのかと心配しておりましたが、クォンタムタッチは誰でも習得できるようなシステムになっているとお聞きし、希望が出ました。
一日目の講座の次の日に友人が足の甲がいたいとのことで早速クォンタムタッチを試したところ触れていないのに暖かさを感じて血行が良くなった!と感想を聞かせてくれました。ビックリです!" ~ Yokoさん
" スーパーポジティブな真由美さんから、不思議なエネルギーヒーリングのことをとても素敵な仲間と学べて本当に良かったです。技術的なことだけでなくスピリチュアルも学べ気付きも多かった濃い時間でした。
今まで様々な講座をオンラインにて受講していますが、時間も予定通りであったりして仕事の予定もいれやすかったですし、こまめに休憩タイムをとってくださって、集中してクラスに望めました。" ~ Manamiさん
" 想像以上のエネルギーワークの内容に驚きました。これだけのことがこんなに簡単に、意味や仕組みを理解することもなく、初心者の方でもすぐから出来るようになってしまう。それでいて使い勝手(?)が良いので、既に日常の多くの場面で施術しています。
講座は指摘することがないほど、わかりやすく・楽しく・しっかりと学べました。休憩や講座のペースなどバランスも良かったです。また講座の間、沢山質問させていただいたのですが、丁寧にご対応してくださったことも嬉しかったです。" ~ K.Tさん
Mayumi Pachkoski's Upcoming Workshops
8:00 pm - 11:30 pm (JST)
8:00 pm - 11:00 pm (JST)
9:00 am - 3:00 pm (JST)
Dil: 日本語 (Japanese)
クォンタムタッチレベル2講座はレベル1講座を一度受講していることが前提で受けられる講座です。 アメリカでヒーリングサロンを経営するパチコスキー真由美が日本時間、ZOOMで行います。日本で週日仕事をされている方でも受講しやすい日程設定。金曜...10:00 am - 4:30 pm (EST)
10:00 am - 4:30 pm (EST)
Dil: English
Quantum-Touch Level 1 workshop in person. You will gain confidence in performing energy work during in-person sessions ...10:00 am - 4:30 pm (EST)
10:00 am - 4:30 pm (EST)
Dil: English
Quantum-Touch Level 1 workshop in person. You will gain confidence in performing energy work during in-person sessions ...10:00 am - 4:30 pm (EDT)
10:00 am - 4:30 pm (EDT)
Dil: English
Learn how to set your brain to default which will unleash your natural superpower. We will learn about tools that...10:00 am - 4:30 pm (EDT)
10:00 am - 4:30 pm (EDT)
Dil: English
Learn how to set your brain to default which will unleash your natural superpower. We will learn about tools that...8:00 pm - 11:30 pm (JST)
9:00 am - 3:00 pm (JST)
8:00 pm - 11:00 pm (JST)
Dil: 日本語 (Japanese)
この講座は表示は日本となっておりますがアメリカからZOOMを使い、日本時間でなるだけ日にちが多くかからず、仕事をされている方でも受講可能にするために 金曜日の夜と土曜日朝から午後。そしてまた同日の土曜日の夜に講座をに分けて行う講座です。 ...8:00 pm - 11:30 pm (JST)
8:00 pm - 11:00 pm (JST)
9:00 am - 3:00 pm (JST)
Dil: 日本語 (Japanese)
クォンタムタッチレベル2講座はレベル1講座を一度受講していることが前提で受けられる講座です。 アメリカでヒーリングサロンを経営するパチコスキー真由美が日本時間、ZOOMで行います。日本で週日仕事をされている方でも受講しやすい日程設定。金曜...