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Asha Carolyn Young

Quantum-Touch Practitioner


Asha Carolyn Energy Healing

California, 95445
United States

Contact Information


707-380-6251 cell





       Whether in-person or remote anywhere in the world, I welcome you to experience Quantum-Touch with me. Pets are welcome, too!



During sessions, I intuitively integrate Quantum-Touch modalities to direct life force energy to you through hands, breath, heart-field, sight, toning, and focused consideration. You relax and receive this energy, allowing your body and spirit to engage in healing.  


Courses in Quantum-Touch, decades of meditation, yoga, channeling, reading of a broad range of spiritual books, and association with many kinds of energy healers and spiritualists -- all inspired me to practice energy work to promote healing. My studies include:


·     Quantum-Touch courses: Q-T Level 1 (3 times); Q-T Level 2; Supercharging; Self-Created Health; Manifesting Miracles; and "Energy Healing with Quantum-Touch with Richard Gordon" (The Shift Network).

·    Theravada Buddhist Samadhi meditation as learned in Thailand, and as taught by the Wellness Institute (Niagra Falls, Los Angeles, andBangkok;in the tradition of the late PhraDhammamongkolyarn (Luangphor Viriyang Sirintharo)

·    Laying-on-of-hands training with the late Joseph Martinez (San Francisco) 

·    Orin & Daben's audio course, "Awakening Your Light Body”

·    The Robert Monroe and Institute of Noetic Sciences retreat at Coos Bay, Oregon to facilitate out-of-body experiences

·    “A Course in Miracles” Workbook

·    College: B.A., History, University of California, Los Angeles; M.A., Cultural     Anthropology, University of California,Berkeley 

I grew up in Thailand, Laos, and on the west coast of the United States. I currently live in Gualala, California, north of San Francisco. My professional life has included freelance writing and editing, teaching, bookmaking, and painting.


My current focus is helping you boost your healing and happiness!


Please join me every 2nd and 4th Wednesday on radio at News for the Soul. Visit https://newforthesoul.com and find the link for LIVE shows. Or visit my page for archived broadcast:



To schedule a HEALING SESSION, please call or text me at 707-380-6251; or email: ashacarolyn@gmail.com 

With Love & Joy,


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