Level 4: Becoming Heart-Conscious (Formerly Level 2) With Annabel Hall
Contact Info:
Annabel Hall
Phone: 602-326-1361
Email: annabel.hall@yahoo.com
October 16, 2023 10:00 am - 3:00 pm MST
October 17, 2023 10:00 am - 3:00 pm MST
October 18, 2023 10:00 am - 3:00 pm MST
Annabel Hall Home
1702 W Natal Ave
Mesa, Arizona 85202 United States
Phone: 6023261361
Email: annabel.hall@yahoo.com
Website: www.reenergizement.com
Pre-registration rate:
575.00 USD
Full registration rate:
690.00 USD
Note: Prices do not include tax. For Pre-Registered Pricing, please register 21 or more calendar days before workshop.
Quantum-Touch Level 2 is full of amazing discoveries. It takes what you've learned from Level 1 (and Supercharging) and deepens your ability to connect to your heart. Your love is powerful, and in L2 you'll see how much more freedom you have when using heart energy to connect to any part of the body (especially the brain) . You'll learn more about changing beliefs, manifesting what you care about, and healing wounds from the past. It truly does open you more fully into the New Human experience.

Quantum Touch enthusiasts, Get Excited! Level 2 is a class which will expant your Quantum Touch abilities working with the body.
You will learn and experience new ways of running energy.
You will meet more enthusiastic Quantum touch students and share your love!
Pre-Requisite: You must attend at least one Quantum Touch class before attending Level 2 class.
Level 2 focuses on:
*Distance Remote Work
*Medium of Mental Focus (developing your intuition)
*How to work with non-obvious muscles and tendons
*Extensive Brain Work
*In depth study of Chakras 8-12 and how they can assist in the Art of Manifestation