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Group Healing in the Mountains of Turkiye

By Rebecca Özdemir

I have had the privilege of living in Turkiye, one of the most beautiful places on earth for the past 21 years. The latter 10 years of which have taken me on a beautiful spiritual journey towards my current path to become a Quantum-Touch Healing Practitioner.

I have completed my Level 1 certifications and as I write, I am almost 60 hours into completing the 90 hours of practice that I need to make, combined with other requirements, and including my upcoming Level 2 course which I am very excitedly taking with the amazing Deborah Gair – my beautiful teacher.

At around 39 hours into my practices to becoming a Practitioner, I was asked by a friend to do a group healing session on her 11 group attendees who had travelled to Turkiye for a yoga & open water swimming holiday here in my home town of Dalyan. The idea was that we would drive to a secluded venue in the mountains where there would be a yoga session followed by a meditation, after which I would join the group to do my "stuff."

I immediately accepted, though I was a little concerned as I had never thought about group healing, let alone thought that I knew what the heck I was doing!! I wrote to Deborah with my slightly fearful, "I know I’m not trained in this but..." wording at the beginning of my email asking for recommendations and guidance.

Deborah thought that this was a great idea and encouragingly guided me to set up the group laying in roughly a sunstar configuration, so that everyone could be connected and have them note their score from 1-10 with 10 being the worst. She also offered to contribute from a distance if I let her know the time. Perfect! Off we went on the rocky road to get to our venue for this beautiful event.

As the yoga group made their stretches, poses and mediation, I sat in quietness running energy through my body in anticipation of the time when I would be invited to join them. I can honestly say that I was a little bit nervous as this was something totally new for me and of course, I wanted it to work. (Hello ego!)

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Due to the space available we didn’t manage to make a sunstar shaped circle, but we did manage to make a circle where everyone was connected and touching each other. In I went with my introduction and intention explaining to the group what was about to happen and mentally inviting Deborah to join me. I asked everyone to close their eyes and think of something that was causing them discomfort or pain, either physical or emotional for either themselves or someone close to them, to rate this on a scale of 1-10 and make a mental note of it. Following this, I continued to run loving energy through my body whilst going around the group one-by-one and channelling it into their body through points that I felt guided to touch. This naturally continued for around 30 minutes, after which I brought the session to a close.

During the session, my mind was having sporadic egoic doubts and the odd jibber-jabber saying, "You’re not vibrating high enough," or "You’re not trained for this..." I was pretty sure that the result wouldn’t be what I wanted for the group and I really was attaching myself to the outcome.

At the end of the session, when people started moving around, I noticed different responses to what had just happened – all of which were lovely. One lady came up and hugged me, another lady told me that she had seen beautiful purple colours when I had touched her, the group leader said that she had visions or her spirit guides being present and started to cry with joy and another lady moved away from the group and started to happily sob alone. Wow!! I still couldn’t believe the responses from something that I had been a part of.

After everyone had settled down I asked the group to think of how they were feeling on a scale of 1-10 at the end of the session. I passed around pieces of paper, a pen and a small cloth bag for them to note their outcomes, fold up the pieces of paper and anonymously put them into the bag for me to look at later. As this was being done anonymously, they had no reason at all to be anything but honest. The evening continued and I returned home, still convinced that when I looked at their anonymous pieces of paper they would reveal the truth and that they hadn’t actually benefitted from this experience.

Immediately upon arriving home, one by one I took the folded pieces of paper out of the bag and sat there open-mouthed as each and every person, with the exception of one had noticed a big shift in their discomfort/pain levels at the end of the session. The focus they had placed on the session was a variety of physical pain or emotional struggle - Oh MY!!!!

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The following day I excitedly messaged Deborah with the results of the group session and I will never forget her response.

"This is absolutely perfect Becky. Top-class," she wrote. Deborah also asked me to consider and re-quoted the fear induced words I had written to her the previous day which were: "They’ve asked me if I want to do a group energy healing which, although I’m not trained in..." She followed this re-quote with a big laughing emoji !!!

Well, now THAT was a huge realization in more ways than one!! My gorgeous teacher Deborah Gair not only encouraging me in my abilities to do this but also directing me to learn from this beautiful insight that with intention and attention, Quantum-Touch has the profound ability to make a huge difference, regardless of what the egoic mind tries to jibber-jabber to me that I am neither good enough nor trained enough.

The following week, we took a brand new group up to the same spot in the mountains and again joined together for a connected healing session. This time I was able to trust the outcome and let go of my egoic fears and jibber-jabber. The results, yet again were exactly the same - everyone, except one person anonymously wrote that they had experienced a noticeable reduction in their emotional or physical pain at the end of the session. Isn’t that just wonderful?!

Thank you Deborah Gair and thank you Quantum-Touch for enabling me to do what I want to do most in this world – be a conduit of change and help others to heal themselves. What a privilege to be doing this beautiful work! I am so UNBELIEVABLY excited to complete my Practitioner’s certification very soon and totally joyous that I am choosing a path that will enable me to continue to help so many others on their journey in this life.

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