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Deborah Gair

"Deeya Siddhi"


United Kingdom

Contact Information


[email protected]



Namaste :)

I'm from Scotland and have been with Quantum-Touch for more than 20 years now, since helping to introduce it to the UK and Europe in 2002, and to India. I was so fortunate that my Advanced-Level training and subsequent apprenticeship was directly with both Richard Gordon and Alain Herriott in the USA and Hawaii (Kauai.) It was in 2004 that I qualified with them as one of the only Instructors (at that time) teaching Supercharging and Core Transformation world-wide, travelling to teach, whilst promoting greater awareness of Quantum-Touch as a modality.

Meet me here, with my great friend, Richard Gordon, as we talk about the "Dark Miracle" that led me (as a Scientist!) to see through and to transcend Science and the conventional view of reality : 

Learn how that "Dark Miracle" led me to discover the Infinite Possibilities that are available beyond, by simply offering Quantum-Touch.
And h
ear how my formerly narrow paradigm shifted into one of expansion, and to being, Quantum-Touch :

* Ambassador;
* Instructor Trainer;
* Practitioner & Instructor, All Levels;
  (Energy Boost; Levels 1 & 2; Supercharging; Self-Created Health; Art of YOU-thing)
* Director of Awakening;
  (Intuitive Development (Seeing & Perceiving Energy; Immersions In Infinity))
* India Liaison

* Because of my own extraordinary experience living in this phenomenal modality, I'm always willing to share the very best that Quantum-Touch has to offer, either on it's own, or combined with any of the many modalities I've trained in, via a session tailored specifically to your needs.

* In this regard, I have a private practice for in-person appointments. I also offer distant healing, one-on-one Zoom sessions and group, business and other consultancy.

* I look forward to facilitating *your transition toward the Freedom that I have been so fortunate to discover!


Here's What Recipient's Say :

“… I cannot thank Deborah enough for the true and genuine compassion she demonstrated during our sessions. I can only say that life definitely has taken on a whole new meaning and purpose since we met. I feel transformed on every level. I highly recommend her to others in need of comfort, healing and guidance.” Cynthia, London

“When I visited Deborah for the first time, I was a self-confessed physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual shipwreck! The specialist techniques she used to alleviate my states were not only highly effective and incredibly fast but were delivered in a manner and atmosphere of absolute support and kindness. Hats off to her!” Mark, Edinburgh

"The next day ..." (after a distant healing session) "... I woke up feeling more supple and the crack in my lower back which I heard every morning for the last 13 years was no more there. The experience strengthened my interest in the technique and I am looking forward to learning more.” Peter, Reading


I am of course registered as a Complementary Therapist with the British Complementary Medicine Association and hold membership with The Federation of Holistic Therapists (Honours and Masters, MSc; C.AP.AMT; Dip Grief Couns; BF; BPF and AFF; BCMA Reg; MFHT) and am totally insured in my work.

To book your session, go to : www.DeborahGair.com or email : [email protected] 

Additional Modalities Offered : 

* Master of Science;
* Qualified Nutritionist; 
* Practitioner, Coach & Instructor of The Wonder Method with Alain Herriott; 
* Teaching & Facilitating Reiki Master;
* Advanced-Level Practitioner of a whole host of Meridian Energy Therapies with the Guild of Energists, including E.F.T. (Emotional Freedom Technique) and EmoTrance;
* Graduate of Lester Levenson's original Sedona Method (and The Release Technique), through to Final Step and Self Mastery;
* Having trained extensively with the legendary Doctors Paul McKenna, Richard Bandler and more, I hold further qualifications as :
* Master Practitioner of N.L.P. (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and Hypnotherapy;
* Skilled in C.B.T. (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, aka "The Work");
* Certificates in Psychology, Social Work Skills and in Coaching;
* Trained Counsellor, specializing in grief and bereavement, and in the alleviation of abuse, domestic violence and severe trauma; 
* Wealth of experience working in Restorative, Rehabilitory and Palliative Care;
* With a Pearl in 'Specialised Dementia Service,' I have expertise in all aspects of mature citizen care, including Alzheimers and Parkinsons;

* Much of my work has been inspired and born through my being privately Sat and individually Mentored within a lineage of the United Kingdom's finest and most highly respected Spiritualist Mediums, Sensitives and Guides in the unfoldment of Awareness ~ consistently and for many decades....

* With a life-long curiosity, I have investigated, in-depth, the pioneering works of those at the forefront of Consciousness research, in furthering the experience, exploration and advancement of Consciousness, expanded Awareness and discovery of Self, including attendance at Edgar Cayce's Association for Research & Enlightenment (ARE), The Robert Monroe Institute and the Institute Of Noetic Sciences (IONS);

* As a specialist in Meditation and the Wisdom Teachings of the Ages, I have been held within the cusp of the tuteledge of a wealth of great Masters, upholders of many traditions throughout the World and I lead rare, exclusive and remote group Retreats to this effect;

You can also find me ("Deeya Siddhi") as :

* Founder and Teacher of my own modality : Vedic Soma Healing (VSH) and Life Force Energy Mastery (LFE) at https://www.VedicSomaHealing.com/

To book your session, email : [email protected]

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