Realms of Possibility Within Your Being

By Chaya Silberstein
Within you glistens realms of possibility. It simply begins with one strand of being and trusting yourself to radiate outwards and create your dreams. It all begins within. A void of darkness and then light. Powerful spider medicine, right over my doorstep, an intricate web. So beautiful, so fragile, completely impermanent, yet that didn’t stop the spider from weaving beauty to attract its next meal.
Rather than exerting so much effort in doing, can you take a moment and allow the quiet to envelope you and act from a place of being? It takes trust and surrender, but oh the worlds you can create when you begin to tune your frequencies within, and from that place, soul place, begin to radiate outwards using strands of beauty — translucent in the dark or sparkling against the sun.
Can you take a moment and bask in being-ness? Every breath is a creation of your being; every word, action, moment. There is no wrong way of being. If you aim too low, someone larger and cumbersome may accidentally destroy your web, but you hold the thread, an infinite thread. What will you create today?
Yesterday, I returned home at about 10pm and there on my doorstep was the most beautiful, largest web I had ever seen, with a yellow spider sitting in the center. I marveled at the creation and the cleverness of the spider for it had left just enough room for me to pass through up the two steps to my door holding my bicycle! The first strand literally began less than an inch above my head. Oh what cleverness! Oh what beauty! In the morning, the spider and web were gone, but the medicine remains.

Chaya Silberstein
Quantum-Touch Editor/ Writer
Certified Practitioner & Ambassador

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