What to Do When Results Don’t Seem to Last

By Chaya Silberstein
One of my favorite parts of doing energy healing sessions is watching issues melt away. Maybe someone started the session, listing their level of pain at a 10, yet at the end of the hour, they’re down to a 1 or 0 with the most peaceful expression on their face. It is the most satisfying experience, as the practitioner, to watch this transformation take place and every time it happens, I’m in awe. The flow feels miraculous, the changes feel miraculous, and I feel an enormous amount of gratitude that I get to work with people and their pets in this way.
Multiple times, after a session, clients have written to me that they slept a full ten hours that night, which they hadn’t done in a long time, and events following the session usually go very smoothly with excellent results. For example, one client had a doctor’s appointment the next day, and the doctor was quite impressed how quickly her condition was healing. Another client had surgery after the session and she was amazed how smoothly it went and how she didn’t need any pain killers following the procedure!
Energy work is good for a plethora of issues from common cold, to cancer, to structural realignment. At its very best, issues seem to resolve themselves in miraculous ways, other times an issue may seem to linger or return with a polite curtsey or pirouette—or in some cases with a neighborhood waking yell. When this happens, it is easy to get frustrated. Is the energy healing no longer working? Was it ever working? It is easy to spiral down a rabbit hole full of doubt.
But here’s the thing. Like anything in life, patience is key. Just because something may take longer to heal, doesn’t mean the energy healing isn’t working, all it means is that there are more layers to the issue at hand. Just like an onion, we work on one layer at a time. Deep chronic issues often have more layers, simply because they’ve been traveling along with you for a longer amount of time.
Even as a practitioner, my faith in the process can sometimes feel shaky, but then all I have to do is work on my feelings of doubt for a little bit, and boom, I’m back in business, confidence fully reinserted, feeling the flow running through me. For here’s the thing, as we often say in Quantum-Touch, “All healing is self-healing.” Meaning, the practitioner is holding the space and creating a resonance and higher vibration to help facilitate your body’s healing response.
Everyone is capable of healing, yet it begins with your willingness and desire to truly heal and do the work that shows up for you. It doesn’t have to be difficult, it can even be fun, but your body is yours, so it’s important to be a full participant in your own healing.
It sometimes can be tricky when someone hires me to work on someone else. If the other person isn’t truly invested, sometimes results can seem slower. In these instances, I like to help the person doing the hiring, process their emotions around the issue and concern for the other person. This way they’re working through their own drama, and when the other person is ready, they more willingly come along for the ride.
Going back to how you can be a full participant in your own healing, I once more will reiterate the wonderful attribute of patience. Trusting your body to heal at its own rate, even if it means multiple sessions. Learning some of the techniques can be very helpful, because you can practice on your own and really take responsibility for your health in this way.
Processing emotions is extremely useful as well, and a skilled practitioner can guide you through this. Physical and emotional are intrinsically linked and not separate from each other. When physical conditions seem to linger, often there is an emotional component to it, which is important to address. In my practice, I really like to use feeling on a sensation level and going into that super gently. When you allow yourself to feel kinesthetically, the mind automatically begins to quiet down and not only do pressures begin to ease, but greater healing and presence is the reward. Rather than run away, we gently ease into whatever shows up.
It takes bravery and perseverance, yes, but just by being here, I know you already have it in you. What’s so cool, is that often what begins as a healing journey for a physical ailment or injury, ends up taking you down a path that’s more fantastic and life-affirming that you can even imagine.
I had learned Energy Healing prior to an injury I experienced in 2018. Though I was practicing beforehand, I really got to experience the life force energy in every fiber of my being while in recovery. The experiential learning not only changed my life forever, but when I think back on my recovery, I am filled with incredible peace.
So, are you ready for your healing adventure? Say yes! All arrows point within.

Chaya Silberstein
Quantum-Touch Certified Practitioner
Contributing Writer
Click Here to View Her Profile

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