Level 2: Becoming Supercharged With Linda Menkhorst-Elsinga
Linda Menkhorst-Elsinga
Yolande van Rosmalen
Contact Info:
Linda Menkhorst-Elsinga
Yolande van Rosmalen
Phone: 0646736202
Email: mail@qtouch.nl
April 6, 2024 10:00 am - 5:30 pm CET
April 7, 2024 10:00 am - 5:30 pm CET
Het Trefpunt
Abraham du Bois-hof 2
Heiloo, Noord Holland 1852 EZ Netherlands
Phone: (072) 533 12 97
Email: stichting@welzijnheiloo.nl
Website: www.welzijnheiloo.nl
Pre-registration rate:
295.00 EUR
Full registration rate:
395.00 EUR
Note: Prices do not include tax. For Pre-Registered Pricing, please register 21 or more calendar days before workshop.
Many years ago, Mary White Eagle Derr discovered key ideas and techniques that greatly enhance the effectiveness of Quantum-Touch sessions. Now, this long-time favorite has been revised and revitalized for the energy needs of today.
Supercharging expands on the Quantum-Touch principles and practices taught in the live Level 1. In this two-day workshop, you will learn new ways to cultivate deep healing Energy for yourself and others and take your energy work to the next level!

Wij geven sinds 2005 Quantum-Touch workshops in Nederland.
Lesgeven in Quantum-Touch is onze passie. Op www.qtouch.nl lees je meer.
Inclusief koffie, thee, water, versnaperingen en certificaat.
Deze workshop kun je zowel LIVE als ONLINE meedoen, afhankelijk van de maatregelen.
Wij hebben er zin in! Lieve groet, Linda & Yolande