Simple and Effective Energy Healing
Techniques that Anyone Can Learn

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"Quantum-Touch offers Powerful Manifestation Techniques to Help Make Your Dreams Come True"


Workshops taught around the world


People have enhanced their lives with Quantum-Touch

Why We Love Quantum-Touch

Tap into your body’s natural healing power with Quantum-Touch.

Quantum-Touch is a powerful energy healing technique that works with life force energy – a universal vibration of love and well-being. Also known as "chi" in Chinese and "prana" in Sanskrit, life force energy is the flow of energy that sustains all living beings.

Quantum-Touch teaches us how to focus, amplify, and direct this energy to promote optimal wellness. If you've struggled to find relief from physical or emotional issues and nothing has helped, energy healing may be the solution you've been searching for.

Mini-Miracle at the Office

by Huang Bingjie

Certified QT Practitioner, Singapore

I’ve just witnessed a mini-QT-miracle at the office, after doing a short 15 min-QT session on my colleague. She’s got quite a seriously misaligned back, with a distinctively bigger bulge @ her right shoulder blade.

Day 1 Session:

Notice that in the Before photo, her right shoulder blade was tilted to towards her spine. The After photo show her shoulder blade straightened significantly.

Day 4 Session:

Energy Healing for Misaligned Back

The photo at the right shows her back after the 4th QT session. Do you see her right shoulder blade looking more normal? And it seems that the spine is slightly straightened too!

After Session 8

Do you see the difference? Her right shoulder blade is protruding a lot more in the left photo than in the right photo. She even told me that her cervical spine has straightened out after her QT session yesterday. It is highly possible that in time with more QT, her back might be absolutely even!

Session 1-4 was done using basic QT skills, and session 4 onwards was done using Supercharging techniques, starting with the 12 Color Meditation.

Here's her testimonial on the sessions:

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank Bingz for sharing Quantum-Touch (QT) with me. I got to know QT through my colleague Bingz. She has been giving healing for my scoliosis and protruded right shoulder blade. It’s really amazing even she is surprised of what had happened. In the healing session, I can feel the stream of heat on my back and a sparkling twinkling feeling on my shoulder. After 15 min later both of us noticed my right shoulder blade shifted back slightly and my aching and tight shoulders got loosened up. After a few sessions, I’m getting slightly better and better, with less pain and my right shoulder blade is getting more aligned. I’m really amazed therefore I hope all people would really give it a try rather than hesitate and ask themselves 'is it true?' Just go ahead and try, you will never know what will happen…”

Doreen Low

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Quantum-Touch is easy to learn.
Here are three ways to get started:

Read Your Copy of "Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal!"

In the book "Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal", Quantum-Touch Founder Richard Gordon clearly explains all of the Basic Quantum-Touch techniques.

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Learn Online with The Original Workshop Online Video Library!

The fastest and most economical way to get started with Quantum-Touch is to learn at home with The Original Workshop Online Video Library.

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Attend an Energy Boost Workshop

The Energy Boost mini-class is a wonderful introduction to Quantum-Touch and shows you some simple energy healing techniques to help yourself, friends, family, and pets.

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