Simple and Effective Energy Healing
Techniques that Anyone Can Learn

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"Quantum-Touch offers Powerful Manifestation Techniques to Help Make Your Dreams Come True"


Workshops taught around the world


People have enhanced their lives with Quantum-Touch

Why We Love Quantum-Touch

Tap into your body’s natural healing power with Quantum-Touch.

Quantum-Touch is a powerful energy healing technique that works with life force energy – a universal vibration of love and well-being. Also known as "chi" in Chinese and "prana" in Sanskrit, life force energy is the flow of energy that sustains all living beings.

Quantum-Touch teaches us how to focus, amplify, and direct this energy to promote optimal wellness. If you've struggled to find relief from physical or emotional issues and nothing has helped, energy healing may be the solution you've been searching for.

Sharing A Distance Healing Session

Tori had given us permission to do a distance healing session for her. She was living in British Columbia, Canada at the time, Rick and I in Colorado Springs. I explained that it might not help, but she agreed it was worth a try. At 9:00 her time the following morning, Rick and I began to run energy for 45 minutes.

Tori's main concerns were pain in her hips (9), right knee (4) and lower back (10), mainly from arthritis. The pain had been getting worse over the years, but had pretty much stayed at those levels regardless of the time of day. That night on the phone Tori told us what happened.

When she got up, she had forgotten about the session. Around 9:30 as she stood at her kitchen counter pouring a cup of coffee, she felt something. She had the sensation of ice-cold fingers on her back bone as if it was being pulled. It was then that she remembered we were going to be doing QT for her. She went ahead with her plans for the day and again forgot about the session. At 3:00 that afternoon she was at a petting zoo and had just straightened up after bending over to feed an animal. The awareness hit her like a cosmic 2 by 4 . . . "Wow, I just stood up and didn't hurt!" Normally she would need assistance to accomplish that small feat and with a great deal of agony.

It was then that she mentally went back over her day. She had been in and out of the back of a van numerous times without help, without pain. She always hurt too much to do that and always needed help.

That night Tori was thrilled to announce that she was moving easily and rated the pain level for all her concerns at "0".

Wishing you Blessings of Pure Love, Light, Laughter, and Big Warm Hugs,


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Quantum-Touch is easy to learn.
Here are three ways to get started:

Read Your Copy of "Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal!"

In the book "Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal", Quantum-Touch Founder Richard Gordon clearly explains all of the Basic Quantum-Touch techniques.

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Learn Online with The Original Workshop Online Video Library!

The fastest and most economical way to get started with Quantum-Touch is to learn at home with The Original Workshop Online Video Library.

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Attend an Energy Boost Workshop

The Energy Boost mini-class is a wonderful introduction to Quantum-Touch and shows you some simple energy healing techniques to help yourself, friends, family, and pets.

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Upcoming Quantum-Touch Workshops

Take a Quantum-Touch workshop and unleash the incredible power within to transform your health and create optimal wellness. We are offering live workshops both in-person and online. Join us today!

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