Simple and Effective Energy Healing
Techniques that Anyone Can Learn

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Tap into Your Body’s Natural Healing Power with Quantum-Touch
Quantum-Touch is a powerful energy healing modality that works with life force energy – the energy that flows through all living things. Quantum-Touch teaches us how to focus, amplify, and direct this energy to promote optimal wellness. If you've struggled to find relief from physical or emotional issues and nothing has helped, Quantum-Touch may just be the solution you've been searching for.
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My Maltese named Scooby jumped off the couch, which he has done so many times in the seven years of his life. This time though, he must have injured his right front leg as he could not walk and was only bearing weight on his three other legs. The right front paw was lifted up. My husband and I called to him but he refused to walk and then when he tried, he could only manage a hop with his three good legs. Immediately, we called the only animal clinic open at night to see if we could bring him in. They said that we could, but we would have to wait over two hours before his appointment. In our rush to get medical care for him, I completely forgot about Quantum-Touch. After we made the appointment, I thought, wait a minute! I can do Quantum-Touch on him.
I immediately got to work, bringing in my love for Scooby as I was running the energy. I did steam releasing (from Core Transformation) where I felt it was needed, along his upper body just below his neck, and then also incorporating the wombing technique. After an hour, we allowed him to try to stand and he was able to now put pressure on his right leg and walk slowly but still with a noticeable limp. We were glad he was getting better. For the next hour, all he wanted to do was lie down next to me. It was a quiet hour. We were just "being" with each other. Occasionally, I'd pat him and send love to him.
It was soon time for me to take him to the clinic and I carried him in and did the intake with the tech. After telling her the events of the night, she asked me to put him down on the floor to see how bad his injury was. As soon as I did, he was his old self - running back and forth in the room on all fours and no limp and no injury was to be found! All I could say was, "I guess he's better now," and feeling a little silly. When the vet came in to check him, all she could find was just a little minor "twinge" reaction from him when she palpated the shoulder. He was okay!
My husband and I believe that it was Quantum-Touch that worked wonders for him. This was a good reminder for me not to "forget" the power of Quantum-Touch and to remember to use it in healing, not only with people but with animals too!
Lorraine Sakamoto
Waipahu, Hawaii, USA
Certified Quantum-Touch Practitioner
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Quantum-Touch is easy to learn.
Here are three ways to get started:

Read Your Copy of Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal!
In the book, Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal, Quantum-Touch Founder, Richard Gordon, clearly explains all of the basic Quantum-Touch techniques.
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Learn Online with The Original Workshop Online Video Library!
The fastest and most economical way to get started with Quantum-Touch is to learn at home with The Original Workshop Online Video Library.
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Attend an Energy Boost Workshop
The Energy Boost mini-class is a wonderful introduction to Quantum-Touch and shows you some simple energy healing techniques to help yourself, friends, family, and pets.
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