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Kathie Scott

Quantum-Touch Instructor/Mentor ~ L1, L2, SuperCharging, SCH


Quantum Life Technology Inc.

British Columbia, V6M3A2

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Offerings:  Level I, Level 2, SuperCharge, SCH workshops.  Level 1 & 2 Instructor Trainer

If your schedule does not work with what is posted, please contact me, as I may have a list of others with special date requests, and can then put together a suitable time for all that's not see currently posted.  Contact Kathie Scott at 604-813-4543 or quantumkathiescott@gmail.com

The evidence is in - we are pure energy, and our body responds to vibration, resonance and frequency, and our personal energetic field being as coherent as possible assists us in handling the stress from any outside incoherency or "challenging" frequency.

We carry emotional charges from all areas of our life, from our whole lifetime, and perhaps beyond, and these charges can be reduced to help clear these stressors for flow!

Quantum-Touch moves us from "thinking" with the brain's slower, denser frequencies to "feeling" with the heart's more coherent, higher frequencies. How does it get any better than that?!!

This allows us to entrain to pure Life Force Energy and the inner Healer.  Our Love is Powerful and Quantum-Touch assists in releasing the mind for better access to the innate wisdom of the heart!

We love the addition of Quantum-Touch to our lives! We love the energy created in group workshops as well as in one-one-one sessions ~ truly transformative!

All are welcome - no prior experience required for Level 1 and all other modalities are compatible from the Quantum Touch perspective.

Please visit our website at www.quantumlife.ca for more information on our next QT Workshop.

Many Blessings,

Kathie & Paul Scott



Level 1 & 2 Instructor Trainer

Instructor/Practitioner - Level 1, Level 2, SuperCharging & Self-Created Health

Anahata Cacao Journey - Founder/Co-Creator


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