Jessi Mathis
LMT MA99462 QT Practitioner
Florida, 33624
United States
Contact Information
Phone: |
7206786429 |
Email: |
Web: |
https://www.quantumtouch.com/en/practitioner/jessi-mathis |
Hi, I'm Jessi, welcome to my page♥️
I'm a Mother of three, with my oldest in heaven, I am a Massage Therapist,QT Enthusiast & Practitioner, Healer, and Light-worker♥️
I've studied:
Medical Massage Therapy
QT Level 1
QT Level 2
Self Created Health
Gathering of Angels
I knew from a young age I had a calling to help in aiding others, after years of boot camp and training, I believe now more then ever we are here to help one another, let me introduce you to what I can definitely say is the reason I am doing as well as I am today, esp after the pain, trauma and struggles I have lived through. Quantum-Touch, along with my higher power and loving guides, has helped me see past the veil and go within and truly learn what it takes to start our inner healing journey, I would love to aid you in finding that within yourself through Quantum-Touch.
My client wrote,
One day this winter I had the opportunity for Jessica to work on me in person. During this session I felt like I was floating on a cloud and could feel this powerful energy flowing through me. It was profound and I felt weightless for an hour after treatment. In the multiple distant healing treatments she has done for me, I felt an almost overwhelming calming, like I was in this complete zen state-of-mind and the treatments on multiple occasions completely cured the ailments or situations I was going through. I feel Jessica has a very strong attunement with not only the physical world but more importantly the spiritual world. I feel when we attune with others we allow our own internal state to shift, to come to resonate with the inner world of another, whether a physical or spiritual being. I know one thing for sure, I am blessed just to know her.
Love & light
I believe we are spiritual beings, here to express, learn and love ❤️