Frank Tang
Certified QT Practitioner and Instructor
East Sussex
United Kingdom
Contact Information
Phone: |
+44 (0)7300577988 |
Email: |
Web: |
www.tomtti.com |
Dear friends, if you suffer from physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues, or even chronic illness and no solution, please contact me. I hope that I can be lucky enough to use QT, love and my own experience, starting from your body, mind and spirit, to enhance your self-healing ability, so as to improve your physical condition and walk into another beautiful life, thank you.
- Under the healing of QT, gout no longer has the ability to affect my body and health, and now it only becomes some meaningless values (uric acid value).
- QT is also effective on pets, animals and plants. Saving their lives is equally important to me.
- I provide in-person healing (Only available in East Sussex, UK) and distant healing (no time and place limitation).
- Quantum-Touch (QT) is not medical knowledge and is not a substitute for a doctor's opinion, treatment or advice.
- If you have any inquiries, please use WhatsApp or email to contact me, and please mark "QT Healing", I will reply you as soon as possible.
本人從事資訊科技項目管理數十年,主要負責電腦系統實施和整合的工作。亦曾經是一個長跑愛好者,參與不同的馬拉松比賽 (Sub 3:30)。本身和癒療身、心、靈相關的事情上,其實沒有半點接觸的機會。2021年,我患了痛風症,從而使我真實體驗長期痛症對於生活的影響。在我苦無對策和走進了人生谷底的情況之下,上天巧妙地安排我接觸和學習到量子共振 (Quantum-Touch, QT) 的智識和技術。一方面令我體會到QT和愛對於療癒身體、精神、情緒和靈性的力量和效用,消除我對痛風症的心理恐懼和恢復我的健康。另一方面亦令我增加對家人、朋友和身邊有需要的人仕的身體狀況的關注。從而使用QT令他們減少因痛症而影響他們的日常生活,令他們從新展現他們的笑容。
親愛的朋友們,如果你受到身體、精神、情緒和靈性上的問題、甚至長期病患的困擾而苦無對策,請你聯絡我。希望我有幸能夠透過QT 、愛和我自身的體驗,從你的身、心、靈出發, 增強你的自我療癒能力,從而改善你的身體狀況和走進另一個美好的人生,謝謝。
- 在QT的療癒之下,痛風症已經再沒有能力影響我的身體和健康,現在只成為一些沒有意義的數值(尿酸值)。
- QT對於寵物、動物和植物亦同樣有效。拯救它們的生命,對我來說,是同樣重要。
- 本人提供親身(In-person)療癒(只限於英國東薩塞克斯郡(East Sussex))和遙距(Distant)療癒(不限時間和地點)。
- 量子共振 (Quantum-Touch, QT) 並非醫療知識,並不能代替醫生的意見,治療或建議。
- 如有任何查詢,請用WhatsApp 或 email 與我聯絡,並請註明"QT療癒",我會盡快回覆。
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