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Louise Murray

Certified Quantum Touch, Energy Alive, The Wonder Method and Crystal Healing Practitioner


Health Blessings

11 Love St Kiama
New South Wales, 2533

Contact Information







I became a Quantum-Touch Practitioner in 2006 with my own practice and using QT every day. In 2009 I became a Level 1 Instructor and in 2014 a Level 2 Instructor and Level 1 mentor.  In 2015 I became a Certified Energy Alive Practitioner under Henri Rand Furgieule and a Certified "The Wonder Method" Practitioner and I have just completed the training for Certified Instructor under Alain Herriott.


I have been a registered nurse for over 40 years specialising in Emergency, Cardiac, orthopaedics, and Defence nursing I left Defence in 2016 to concentrate on my Healing work.


17 years ago I began to think that there was more to healing than drugs and surgery.   I started to look and around and was attracted to crystals. I studied crystal healing and have a diploma and advanced diploma in crystal healing.

Although I was seeing great results with the crystals, I felt drained after the sessions and felt that there was something missing in my work. I started to look around again and in 2005 I found Quantum-Touch.                           

It is the perfect partner for my Crystal work. Having studied Quantum Touch I decided to take the advanced workshops Core Transformation I and II with Alain Herriott and then took the brand new Level II with Henri Rand Furgieule 4 times.  This took my healing work to a level I could never have imagined with some symptoms resolving in minutes. This type of healing work is called vibrational healing. In a nutshell, the practitioner holds a high vibration, and the client entrains or rises to that vibration allowing their body to heal its self. Much like when you are sad and someone gives you a hug you feel better.

Within my practice I have seen amazing things these include:

Broken collar bone – pain-free and moving freely within one hour using just the Level 1 quantum Touch technique. 

A brain-damaged soldier who had been in ICU for 11 days completely resolved in 7  days following only 1hr of Core Transformation and Quantum-Touch.

All symptoms of coeliac disease gone.    

Powerful results with depression, stress, and emotional issues just to name a few.        

Acute Lower back pain gone within 10mins.

Chronic Lower back pain was gone in 3 short sessions.·       

For more healing stories visit my website www.healthblessings.com.au

    To book a session please call me on  0407 420 007


The initial session is $120 (includes a comprehensive discussion of needs and health history. Give yourself 90mins at least for this session.


Follow-up sessions are $90 each.


An initial session package of 3 sessions $290

(45mins of Energy work at each session and crystal chakra balance)


Follow up 3 session packages are $250.00

(45mins of Energy work at each session and crystal chakra balance) 


Initial Session $90.00 (includes a comprehensive discussion of needs and health history). Give yourself at least 1hr for this session.


Follow up sessions $70


An initial session package of 3 sessions $210

(30mins of Energy work at each session)


Follow up 3 session packages are $180

(30 mins of Energy work at each session)                                                                                                                                                                                      

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