What Is Life Force Energy?

by Renée Morris
September 1, 2024
It has been called the vital spark, cosmic energy, bio-energy, x-force, spiritual essence, love force, and many other terms. There are words in dozens of languages around the world to describe an invisible flow of energy that gives life and well-being to all living things. In other cultures it is referred to as chi, prana, ki, élan vital, and more. All of these words describe the same universal idea of a life-giving energy flowing through us all.
In this article, we will talk about what Life Force Energy is and why you might not have ever been aware of it. We will dive into how you can actually feel Life Force Energy yourself. And we will discuss how it can help to heal your body and transform your life. Join me for a fun journey into one of the greatest mysteries of the human experience: What is Life Force Energy?
Many ancient cultures have acknowledged the existence of a life-giving flow of energy that is all around us and have used it in practices to support health, healing, and well-being for millennia. For example, the Hawaiian Kahunas called it ‘Mana’ and understood that it flows through all things. It was believed to be a source of power that can be harnessed to be used in healing. They connected to it for hands-on healing, distant healing, and also for prayer.
Ancient Wisdom and Modern Application
Energy healing pioneer Richard Gordon describes Life Force Energy as ‘the animating current of life operating with a level of intelligence that boggles human imagination. The life force permeates all living things’ (Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal, p.21). Life Force Energy is a flow of energy, a universal vibration of love, and the fabric that binds all creation together and gives life to all things. The paradox here is that Life Force Energy is everywhere but yet it is invisible. It has impact but it is immeasurable. It defies the laws of physical mechanics as we understand them and it affects everything we do but most of us don’t even know it’s even there. Although it sounds like a riddle mixed with an existential prank, Life Force Energy is possibly the greatest missing puzzle piece to adopting a more empowered understand of health, healing, and the human experience. At the risk of sounding lofty, the understanding of Life Force Energy may even hold the key to a more compassionate and peaceful planet. ‘I foresee a day when the family of humankind can draw closer through the innate and universal power of loving each other with the use of this healing energy’. (Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal, p.219).
In the modern Western world, most people are unaware of Life Force Energy because it is not taught in schools and it is generally not a widely held cultural understanding. People may have an abstract concept of the idea of ‘Life Force Energy’ and may use the term casually to refer to how strong and vibrant a person might appear to be, but they do not know that Life Force Energy is much, much greater than that.
Many ancient cultures have acknowledged the existence of a life-giving flow of energy that is all around us and have used it in practices to support health, healing, and well-being for millennia. For example, the Hawaiian Kahunas called it ‘Mana’ and understood that it flows through all things. It was believed to be a source of power than can be harnessed to be used in healing. They connected to it for hands-on healing, distant healing, and also for prayer.
In the Chinese tradition, chi or qi is considered the flow of energy that permeates all living things - essentially, Life Force Energy. The Chinese understand that good health and good living depend on the free and abundant flow of chi energy. They have many practices from martial arts to acupuncture to medicine that strengthen the chi and remove any blockages, in order to promote health, healing, and well-being.
In Ayurveda, prana is considered to be the breath of life that animates and flows through all things; essentially a life-sustaining current of energy. It is believed to have supreme healing powers. Increasing prana is the goal of many practices like yoga, breathwork, meditation, and more, in order to heal and enhance vitality.
These are just a few examples of how Life Force Energy has been acknowledged and appreciated around the world for millennia for its impact on health and healing. It is only in recent centuries that there has been a step away from this universal understanding of what gives us life and well-being. The Newtonian school of thought brought the Western world to a more mechanistic and reductionist view just a few hundred years ago, within which there wasn’t much room for non-material concepts like Life Force Energy. If it couldn’t be physically measured, repeated, and predicted, then it was not considered true and real. And so, the long-held understanding of life force energy was rather quickly relinquished in favor of seeing the world through physical laws and processes.
We now find ourselves at a powerful time in history where we understand that it is not necessarily one or the other, but it can and must be both. Out of this historical convergence we are seeing the emergence of healing practices that bring together ancient wisdom and modern application. One such practice is Quantum-Touch energy healing which offers a proven methodology for stimulating the body’s natural healing process using Life Force Energy. We will be talking about Quantum-Touch further down in the article and you can also learn more in a previous article I wrote here: Will Quantum-Touch Help Me?
With all this talk about Life Force Energy, you might be wondering why you have never been aware of it or felt it before.
How Come I Have Never Been Aware of Life Force Energy Before?
You might be saying… If Life Force Energy is flowing through me constantly, then how come I can’t feel it? And if I can’t feel it, how am I going to use it to help my own healing and well-being?
As Richard Gordon says, ‘The irony is that all people actually feel the Life Force within them every moment of every day. They are just not aware that they are feeling it. For most of us, the sensations of the Life Force Energy can be analogous to the background noise of the street where we live. We have grown so completely accustomed to it that we no longer notice it. Sometimes, the most blatant and obvious things are the very last to be seen or acknowledged. Life force energy is just such a thing. Yet despite the lack of awareness of life force, it is easily felt by most individuals without much effort. We just need to know how to look for it’. (Richard Gordon, Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal, p.20).
As Richard says, we are just so used to Life Force Energy running through us that we don’t even realize it’s there. Just like we don’t notice or feel the millions of microscopic cellular changes and functions going on in our bodies constantly. We are simply used to them. They run in the background, like the hum of a fan that we don’t even hear anymore. And for those times that we do feel Life Force Energy, we might not even know what it is. We might just think of it like a feeling or a fleeting sensation. It is our awareness that helps to bring it to the forefront of our experience.
The great news is that everyone can learn how to feel Life Force Energy within themselves really quite easily. Quantum-Touch teaches students on day 1 of their Level 1 workshop how to feel life force energy in the body. Some people will even feel physical sensations like heat, tingling, and pulsating when they start learning to feel life force energy within themselves. There are many different exercises that can get you started in learning how to feel life force energy. It can truly be a fun journey of self-discovery when you start seeing how much you can feel and where you can feel it. Learn more about Quantum-Touch Level 1 here.
‘Sensing the life force is not something foreign to us. Rather, the life force is an energy we have always felt but have just not learned to identify. If you are alive, and since you are reading this I’ll assume you are, you have been feeling it every minute of every day’
(Richard Gordon, Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal, p.34).
Connecting to and feeling life force energy is the first step to learning how to use it to enhance your life and health. You do not need to be gifted or have any special power to learn how to do this. Everyone can learn quite easily. And, as I mentioned before, there is a lot potentially riding on the re-discovery of life force energy in the modern world. Not only can it help us to heal and restore vibrant well-being, but it just might hold the key to a more empowered understanding of health and healing, and could even be the catalyst for a more peaceful, compassionate planet. If this sounds intriguing to you, then read on to find out what life force energy can actually do for you.
What Can Life Force Energy Actually Do for Me and How Does it Work?
Now that we have a better understanding of what Life Force Energy is and how it has been used historically, you might be wondering what real-life benefits it can bring to you. Often we talk about healing, feeling better, and increased well-being on all levels, but what does that mean more specifically and how does it even work?
The core understanding is that vibrant health depends on the free and abundant flow of Life Force Energy. In other words, any illnesses, imbalances, conditions, and issues that arise are considered to be the result of blocked energy or a decrease in the flow of energy. Restoring the free and abundant flow of energy allows for the body to heal itself naturally using its innate intelligence. What this means in real life terms is that, regardless of whether you have a bunion on your foot, back pain, emotional baggage, or a chronic condition, for example, it all comes down to energy flow and the solution is considered to be the same - restore the flow of energy and the body can restore itself physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Vibrational well-being equals physical well-being.
Life force energy supports harmony and coherence in all its applications. This means that not only can it support the body in self-healing, but it can also help to bring solutions, wholeness, and joyful well-being to all other aspects of your life as well. Life force practices can be used for financial health, relationship health, and even for simply having a better day. We can sometimes think about it like adding a special ingredient that simply makes everything better.
In Quantum-Touch energy healing, practitioners learn how to cultivate a high vibration of Life Force Energy and then offer it to someone else. The recipient naturally entrains to (matches) this higher vibration which provides them with an increased flow of Life Force Energy. Their innate body intelligence (Inner Healer) suddenly has a newfound supply of power which it can draw upon to use in healing the body and it does whatever healing it deems necessary. Essentially, Life Force Energy stimulates and supports the body’s natural ability to heal itself. To be clear, we are not healing other people; the practitioner is offering a high vibration of Life Force Energy so that the recipient’s body can use it to self-heal. The results of this type of energy healing have been mind-blowing. People all around the world have healed themselves and restored harmony to their lives with the power of Life Force Energy through Quantum-Touch.
Life Force Energy: A Vision for the Future
Now that we know what Life Force Energy is, how it has been used historically, how to feel it, and what it can do for us, it is possible to imagine how transformational it will be once more people become aware of it and start using it in their lives. Healing will abound. Health will thrive. Well-being will be abundant. And harmony will resound. As Richard Gordon says, "I can only imagine how wonderful it would feel to live in a world where the life force was not only acknowledged, but embraced and cherished." (Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal, p.219) I am excited for this vision and so grateful to be part of the movement to bring awareness to and education about Life Force Energy. I invite you to step into the world of Life Force Energy and discover its healing power in your life.

Renée Morris
Quantum-Touch Practitioner and Ambassador
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