How Did A Skeptic Discover Energy Healing?

I grew up in a family that had no sense of religion or spirituality. It made sense that I had no experiences or beliefs to suggest that there was anything beyond mundane existence. When I was 16, I called myself a "non-theist" since I had no interest in the subject or a desire to push against something I didn't believe in.
In college I had many experiences through a group focused on emotional healing that caused me to believe in synchronicities. When three friends (who didn't know each other) all told me to visit a healer, I took that as something important to do. The healer was the late Rev. Harold Plume in Monterey, CA. I watched in absolute astonishment as he put his hand inside my belly. I subsequently watched him work on other people in a similar way. My world view had been irrevocably shaken.
I was soon flooded with a series of extraordinary experiences that caused me to enter a state of silent prayer wishing sincerely to know what is really true. I could not believe my old beliefs, but had not enough to establish a new world view.
I went to the Christos School of Natural Healing in Taos, New Mexico in the early '70s. We studied therapeutic massage, spiritual healing and herbal medicine. While studying at the school, I discovered all this energy around my hands. Then a few weeks later was introduced to Polarity Therapy which led to a wide range of further discoveries. I eventually wrote a book, Your Healing Hands: A Polarity Experience
Right around the time it was going into print, about 1978, I met a man named Robert Rasmussen. Bob Rasmussen had an extraordinary ability to do hands-on healing work. He worked with a woman who had a severe case of scoliosis, and I couldn't believe my eyes as I watched him touch her back.
The bones spontaneously started to move. Her hips realigned themselves, the occipital ridge realigned, and within about 20 minutes, the scoliosis was about two-thirds straightened out.
I immediately reached a few conclusions: he had some extraordinary ability; I would never be able to do it; and no one else in the world would ever be able to do it. I then discovered that with great focus and concentration, I could. I apprenticed with him and was eventually asked to take over upon his retirement. That's how this work was born. The truth is that "Everybody is a Healer". My hope is to share this message with as many people as possible through Quantum-Touch.
To this day, I have no personal interest in religion but am passionate about spirituality and science. To my way of thinking, spirituality is the living experience and study of our true nature. The evolution of our consciousness and human possibilities are nearly limitless.
For the last 33 years, Quantum-Touch has inspired me with a profound sense of awe. Now with the development of the Quantum-Touch Level 2, my students and I can fully demonstrate that consciousness affects matter. This is not a theory, but a visible and easily repeatable phenomena. It seems that so much of the world is lost in fear and anger, greed, suffering and shame. I sincerely believe that it is time for humanity to discover its generous, kind, and loving nature.
Quantum-Touch is a simple, effective technique for healing. Below are the principles Quantum-Touch is founded on. Whether you are new to energy healing or a seasoned practitioner of energy medicine, these principles will become the foundation of your work.
- Energy Healing is about Sharing Love: As you will discover, Energy Healing is based upon opening the heart and is a wonderful way to share your love.
- Healing works through Resonance and Entrainment: The practitioner holds a high vibration and healing occurs as the client (or pet!) matches the vibration that the practitioner is holding. The practitioner does not become drained.
- All Healing is Self Healing: You can no more heal another person then digest the other person's lunch!
- Energy Healing is Simple: There is no need to understand complex anatomy; even small children can do energy work.
- We are using Life Force Energy: Life Force energy is the animating current of life and is intrinsic to all of us.
- Body Intelligence: The body knows how to heal itself so therefore we want to learn to trust the process.
Love and Light,
Richard Gordon
Founder of Quantum-Touch

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