Using Quantum-Touch to Bring Us Our Dream Home

And just like that we bought our dream property and shocked our realtor!
A country property has been a dream of ours for the past 10 years and knowing we would be moving soon due to work, we were wanting to find our country home!
Current housing situations and inflation seemed to weigh on us and its common to hear how people are struggling to get an affordable home. Thankfully I’ve been running the energy and holding the belief, that that may be true for others, its not true for me. I knew my home was out there.
As we prepared for another house hunting trip, my in-laws called to say the planned to visit us the same weekend. Amazing I thought! And I asked if they could spend a night with the kids as we ventured to view more homes. They agreed and I made of list of all the available homes to view and reviewed the list with my realtor. There were some nice ones that we felt we could make work.
The day before the trip I checked the listing again, and to my surprise my dream property popped up and in our price range! I quickly sent the listing to my realtor and told her we had to see it. She informed me that the owner wanted way more than our budget could afford, and they relisted the home low in a ploy to gain attention and create a bidding war. I told her that I believe in miracles and that I still wanted to view it! She added it to our list and we were going to fit it in at the end of the our 2nd day!
On the first day of house hunting, we viewed 4 homes. The first two were big fixer-upper with a lengthy commute for my husband. The last 2 were beautiful homes with a shorter commute; both of which my husband loved and wanted to put on offer in on.
The next day we were set to visit 3 houses. The first I was getting excited about, it needed work, but we could totally create the country oasis we were dreaming of. And then the second house decided they were no longer letting people view it. But all that didn’t matter I thought because the last home was going to be ours! I continued to run energy into living in that dream home!
When we viewed it, I fell even more in love with it! It had some land and lots of tree! Lots of room for the kids to climb and run, and still more room for gardens, chickens and bees! I was envisioning how I would set them up. The home has a sunroom I could use for my office, and I sat in there looking out into the lawn sending energy into my kids as I envisioned them playing in the trees and building forts. I sent energy into my future clients I would serve from that office while looking out and seeing my flowers bloom. As I walked through each room of the house, I sent energy to my future self as I would do my day-to-day chores. We told our realtor we wanted to submit and offer and agreed on a price.
When we got home, I wrote a letter for the seller to attach with our offer, along with some family photos. I ran energy into the seller as I wrote the letter. I wanted to introduce ourselves to her and share the dream we had for her home.
The day the seller was to review the offers arrived and I was getting nervous! The other 2 homes my husband had loved had just sold, each one going way over and beyond our price range. My realtor messaged me to inform that our offer was officially submitted and the seller had 4 offers in total to review. I began running energy into the families of the 3 other offers that they would find their own perfect homes! And then we waited…. I didn’t want to wait in fear. So I took my daughter outside to jump on the trampoline as we waited.
My daughter loves the trampoline and we both end laughing from the silly games we plaed. This energy felt good! As we continued to play our silly games, I ran energy into having the trampoline on the property and playing these games as the sun set! Just then I saw a golden finch fly into our neighbours tree! Surely a good sign as it was the first I’ve seen this season!
I began to run energy into the relief I felt that we had just bought our dream home, and now I could share the good news with my family and friends! I imagined how I would send them a link to view the home, and then call to share all the details with them!
Still no word from our realtor. My husband and I decided to start the bedtime routine with our kids to distract our thoughts. As I was getting my daughter into her pjs, my realtor called. She was quiet, and timid sounding and finally said “I’m really shocked! The seller really likes you guys and want to sell you the home. However, you’re not the top bid. Do you think you could come up with the difference to match the top bid?” YESSSSSSSS I thought!!! We told our realtor we had to figure this out and would call her back in a few minutes.
My husband & I discussed it and came up with a plan to make it work!!! This was actually happening I thought!! It felt just as I thought it would feel!!!
We re-signed the papers and 30 minutes later we just bought our dream home!!! It was official!! I felt so relieved that we had not only found a home, but one we could afford and it was country property we had always wanted!! We were overjoyed and in the excitement, we kept laughing and instead of saying “I can’t believe it” we began to say “How can it get any better?”
Well the next day we brought up the property on google maps and shocked to see we were closer to my work than we realized. We were closer to stores, parks and trails than we realized. And that there were still safe spots for our kids to ride their bikes no the nearby roads. Plus the seller ended up leaving quality items to stay with the property!! So as I write this, I continue to run energy into our home, into our future selves living in the home and I continue to ask “How can this get any better?”

Thea Willette
Quantum-Touch Practitioner and L1 Instructor
Ontario, Canada

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