A Journey of Healing: Overcoming Panic Attacks with Quantum-Touch

The following story was submitted by Deborah Gair, Quantum-Touch Instructor and Ambassador. It was written by one of her clients, Werner, about using Quantum-Touch to address anxiety and panic attacks that his son was experiencing for 17 years.
How often do we experience true miracles?
I haven’t had many such moments in my life, but recently, it feels as though they’re happening more often.
Let me begin at the start. My son, Matthew, struggled with a debilitating issue we initially called panic attacks. These episodes would come on without warning, causing extreme sweating, nausea, and alternating sensations of hot and cold. They were a terrifying experience for him.
Matthew first started having these attacks at 17, and though they were infrequent and mild at first, they gradually worsened. Along with the panic attacks, he also developed depression, which has remained unresolved for years. Now, at 34, Matthew has spent 17 years suffering without any lasting relief. We've been through countless doctors, tests, and treatments—all without success. The panic attacks continued to grow in both frequency and severity.
About six years ago, I became obsessed with finding a solution. Desperate to help Matthew, I began searching for alternative therapies. With no background in medicine, I didn’t know where to start, but the internet led me to a variety of methods—from acupuncture to Rife frequencies, light therapy to heart synchronization, and more. But nothing worked. Although I learned a great deal, nothing brought us closer to a solution.
However, through this research, one thing became clear: Our bodies are powered by energy. There are currents that connect every cell within us. This realization led me to believe that energy healing might hold the key to helping Matthew.
Then, by chance, I came across Quantum-Touch during my search. I bought all of Richard Gordon’s books and reading through them was a true revelation. I was intrigued. I decided to take the Quantum-Touch Level 1 and Level 2 courses with Deborah Gair. The first time I felt energy flowing from my hands, I knew something profound was happening. It was not something I had to believe—it was simply real.
I began applying what I had learned to help Matthew, who was initially very skeptical. He didn’t believe that energy could heal anything. He often said, “If it’s not chemical, it can’t work.” At first, the results were mixed. His panic episodes, which I now called “sweating attacks,” became less frequent, but they still occurred.
For about a year, I continued working on him with Quantum-Touch, though there were moments when I doubted whether it would truly work. Initially, I focused on the sweating. But then, I realized the heart might be the more important area to focus my energy.
Deborah’s guidance was invaluable during this time. She reassured me that I shouldn’t force the process and that I should allow the energy to do its job without focusing too much on the outcome. This advice made a difference, and although Matthew’s attacks didn’t fully disappear, they became less severe.
Then, in December, we moved to a smaller house, and the stress for Matthew was immense. The upheaval triggered a major escalation in his attacks. By the end of January, I decided to try a new approach: My sole objective was to transmit as much life force energy as possible at the highest frequency I could manage.
Matthew lay on a massage table, and I stood behind him with my hands placed gently on either side of his head, a Quantum-Touch pendant resting on his heart. The idea was simple: Since I didn’t know the root cause of his panic attacks, I believed the energy, flowing through the brain and into his cells, would find the right areas that needed healing. The pendant helped amplify the energy flow.
Each session lasted 45 minutes, and I worked on him every week. Then, after only two sessions, something extraordinary happened: Matthew had no more panic attacks. We continued the sessions each week, and since then, his attacks have completely stopped.
During every session, I focused on transmitting energy with love, asking that it flow gently through every cell in Matthew’s body. I allowed myself to feel nothing but gratitude for the life force energy I was able to channel. With each session, I also focused on a simple breathing technique, smiling as I worked.
Now, a second miracle is unfolding: Matthew is slowly beginning to believe in the power of energy healing, especially Quantum-Touch.
I am profoundly grateful that my search led me to this remarkable healing method. Quantum-Touch has allowed me to tap into an invisible force that is always around us—yet only becomes visible when we learn how to harness it.
I also believe that Matthew’s depression will gradually improve as he finds more peace in his life, able to go out and enjoy social activities without the constant fear of an attack.
I owe everything to Deborah Gair. Without her guidance and encouragement, this miracle would not have been possible.
~ Werner from Switzerland

Deborah Gair
Quantum-Touch Instructor and Ambassador
Click Here to View Her Profile

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