“My Legs Feel Like They Are Mine Again!”

By Karina Grant
The first time that I sent Belinda healing she told me that she had been diagnosed with M.S, 17 years ago. Some of her symptoms included various pains in the body and very unregulated body temperature - especially in her legs. Belinda told me that her legs had not felt like they were “hers” since her diagnosis.
Our sessions have been spaced out with a few weeks in between each one. During each session Belinda experienced such deep peace that her energy system has had a chance to flow with a lot more ease.
Each moment spent in that level of peace enables stress and tension that appear to be locked to leave our mind and body.
After our third session, Belinda told me that her body temperature in her legs had returned to normal for the first time in 17 years. We were both delighted! This lasted a few days and then the coldness returned, although not as extreme as it was.
In Quantum-Touch we learn about the process of entrainment. This means keeping the resonance high enough for long enough.
After our subsequent session, Belinda told me about an even deeper emotional release. I sent her a healing session and her body temperature returned to balance again. We have had another session a few weeks since then and I was thrilled to hear that this new healthy temperature in Belinda’s legs has remained.
In Belinda’s words, “My legs feel like they are mine again for the first time in 17 years!”
Witnessing Belinda’s healing journey is a powerful reminder of how much life force energy WANTS to flow and WANTS to REGULATE.
The Quantum-Touch principles are simple and yet apply to absolutely everything; we raise our energy and realign our consciousness to an inner state that feels innately peaceful.
A quick route to do this now is to remember that Energy Follows Thought. Where is my mind right now? Where do I want it to be? What can I do right now to lighten my energy?
Any of the Quantum-Touch techniques will bring you back to center with ease and grace.

Karina Grant
Certified Practitioner
L1, L2, SG, SCH Instructor
L2 Instructor Trainer
London, United Kingdom

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