1) nicky
posted 02 July 2008 12:06 AM    Hide Post
Hello Jack,
I also have scoliosis but addressed the problem long ago by Tai Chi practiced regularly for a long time. Long I mean getting marked changes within a year. Now my spine isn't perfect but much better and that proves orthopaedic specialists wrong becouse they said that it will get worse.
I did not experience any marked changes since starting QT more than a year ago, but I bet its helping with its maintenace becouse I have become a bit lazy about the Tai Chi.
Another thing about scoliosis.
Last week there was a woman with scoliosis and she was in severe pain. The doctor prescribed a Pethidine injection but without effect, the pain continued to escalate until she was almost in a panic attack. I offered if I may try something to help her and she accepted. She asked me half jokingly if this was magic becouse she calmed down and the pain started to dissolve rapidly. I just told her that this is a simple technique called Quantum Touch that anyone can learn and it works by energy interaction to stimulate the healing process within us. She was satisfied with this explanation but more surprised becouse there was no hint of pain in less than 30 minutes.

2) aileensoasis
posted 02 July 2008 05:13 AM    Hide Post
Good morning: I had a scoliosis from childhood that was undiagnosed until it became a great "S" curve from upper back to lower back. The upper portion seemed to heal over time with various energy modalities, however, the pelvis was torqued and towards the right with the right hip higher and forward. When I learned QT I would work on the left side often from front to back and then simply run energy into both sides of the sacrum. I have been basically painfree and straight (most of the time unless I'm gardening or shovelling snow) since then. If I've been digging in the garden or the snowbank and the pain returns, I just hold a palm over each side of the sacrum and run energy for a few moments, and I can feel the pelvis rotate back into position. I sm doing activities now that I only did with difficulty for about 40 years. So, in answer to your question, yes, you can work on your scoliosis yourself, with a high expection of success.

Aileen McKenna
Certified Quantum-Touch Practitioner/Instructor Get Started With QT Now >
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