posted 19 June 2012 10:44 AM

Just want to share with you my first success. I stumbled upon QT a few months ago, did some research, bought Richard's book, then took a level I class, then bought the SC book and have been doing the color meditation and u-nan alot. Last week, my sister mentioned backpain (she's a nurse and had to lift patients who's bigger than she - don't know how she does it w/o hurting herself as she's barely 100 lbs). I asked her to rank her pain - she said 8/10 and it has been bothering her alot. I said let me try this new modality on you to see if it helps (I've been doing long distance healing work with/for family and friends for sometime now via other healing modalities with moderate success but they were more for emotional, mental & perhaps spiritual aspects more so than physical, imho). Anyway, I prepped myself with the color meditation first (happened to be the time to do it anyway for me at night), chakra spining exercise(hers and mine). I mostly used SC techniques, and gave her about 1 hour session. Since it was kind of late, I told her to not call afterward and go straight to bed, if she doesn't fall asleep during the process. She called me the next day to tell me that: 1) she immediately felt heat and twitches shortly after when I said I'd start the session(she lives more than 2000 miles from me.) 2) saw some visions (don't want to go too much details into this); 3)her pain is now 0! it's gone! It's so cool and Amazing. I'm so thankful that I'm able to facilitate this to help my sister. I'm still amazed!

Thank you Cris, for your comments. It was very exciting for me for sure.
Then, when I did the next long distance session for my aunt who has many different kinds of pain (i focused on her right knee and hips since she said they really hurt her), the hip pain went away, but the knee pain increased?? now I know it's not me who's the healer, it is her, but I coulnd't help feeling bad. I thought maybe I didn't finish the session properly so I picked it up again w/o her knowing the next night. The pain is still there. I guess I'll just keep at it when I have the time and energy, as I really want to help my aunt if I can. It's kind of sad that she sort of skipped through the fact that the hip pain was gone (which I think was fantastic and a success) and focused on her knee pain being worse the whole conversation. This is puzzling to me - could QT actually increase pain? I read that it can temporarily but only when it's working through blockages and eventually it'll help with the pain (never increase it!?) anyway, I'm putting this out there to seek guidance from everyone on what I may be doing wrong or missed not doing with the knee since I'm new at this.
thank you all!

Thanks so much for your sage advice Alice. It all makes more sense to me now, about secondary pain becomes first after the#1 pain is gone - thank you! Regarding asking my aunt to go to the doctors, etc. there's another long story. You see our aunt's got some mental health issues (paranoia & more) and we (nieces) try to help her as much as we can, living far away. She's not that old, like in her early 60's, but her mind doesn't work the same way as most people - she thinks alot of people are after her; and over the years, her meek husband has become more and more like her. Their two kids are not that involved with helping them, or don't know how. I'm surprised that she's able to hold down a job, but it seems to work out ok so far. I'll just keep checking in on them and do my QT work as much as I can.
With gratitude,

Hello Jelena,
thanks for your advice. a wise person once told me "if you say you understand, but you don't do it. that means you still don't understand" I thought I understood the principal and was "trying" to apply them, but still I think I'll just "do"- put the worries and the guilt away (you don't try, you just do"). God knows I've been working on myself using many healing modalities for several years on those very issues before I found QT. it's like peeling the onion, one layer after another.. I do appreciate the time you and Alice take to write to me.
Love and Light,
Peace Get Started With QT Now >
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