by Frankie D. posted 03 November 2011 06:18 PM

Hello Everyone,
I've been working with a gentleman who has glaucoma. I have done three sessions with him, about an hour and a half each. He told me this last time that he can see a lot clearer at night time and some improvement the rest of the time. I have only read the core book and done some of the exercises in the the book. With this person, I wombed the area for a bit and then I used the poking with a stick technique. Some improvement is better than none. Hope this helps if anyone is working with glaucoma.

Love and Light,

by creativejani2 posted 24 April 2012 02:33 PM

I just learned I have a cataract in my left eye, so have been using basic QT on myself, breathing and sweeping and hands over both eyes, then focusing tripod technique at the cataract. I don't know if the cataract has diminished in any way, but I do know my sight has improved hugely already, my eyes both feel better and I see clearer even without glasses which I wear for short sight and astigmatism!

So I don't think you need wait for any advanced techniques, just do the sweeping, consciousness is a great and powerful healer and sweeping it through your body seems do work wonders! That's how I got my all clear from cancer 5 or 6 years ago. Nothing fancy! Oh, and I throw in a few firebreaths from time to time, all while I'm lying in bed at night and first thing in the morning.

Eyesight is a great thing to work on as you can get validation from eye tests relatively easily and quickly! I intend to have another test if I think my sight has significantly improved.

good luck self-healing! Hi Molinda, good to hear from you, and sorry you're having so much challenge with your eyes. Yes our eyes are very precious! I've just completed QT 2 and I'm practicing focusing even more on love when healing. Love your eyes in whatever way feels good to you! It's something that's not usual to do when we have problems with something, but that's the thing to do. Keep coming back to a feeling of love and then contemplate your eyes.

Also don't forget to ask your higher self/the universe for an idea - 'how should I go about healing my eyes'and be prepared to act on whatever idea you get! Asking your self and being prepared for an instant answer is the best way to get any information really.

Maybe I could try out my QT 2 on a distant healing for you? I'd love to give it a go.
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